Tim's Date

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I see Cora lead my brothers back the way we came. Good thing she showed us around before we came here. I know the way back to her house now.

I sit back at the booth and wait. I start doodling on a napkin with a spare pen I keep on me, just in case. I hear footsteps behind me and whip my head around. I calm down when I notice it's just Charlotte.

She's wearing a comfortable-looking t-shirt and sweatpants, having changed from her waitress uniform. She looks relaxed but confident and ready for anything. I smile and give a little wave. Charlotte sits down in the booth and gives me a friendly smile.

"Hi, uh, I never got your name." She says with a small hesitance in her confidence-filled voice. 

Freak out in 3. 2. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO TELL HER!? She can't know I'm me! Oh no she wants an answer. I clear my throat.

"My name is, Alfred. Cora told me yours, Charlotte." I say smoothly. I breathe an internal sigh of relief. Charlotte smiles at me.

"So you wanted to talk about Tim? I mean I can talk about him for hours but is there something specific you wanted to talk about?" She says excitedly.

I smile at her enthusiasm over me. No one has ever shown this much of an interest, except maybe Steph when we dated a while ago. It's nice to feel this appreciated.

"Yeah, can you tell me more about some of his content and where to find it? I'm just getting into DC, so I'm not very educated on anything." I say.

It's kind of true because I lived in that universe but I'm not very educated on the version of it in this universe. Charlotte's face lights up like a kid in a candy store.

"Sure! There are a couple of comic lines and he's in Young Justice season 2. A new webcomic just came out and he's made a cameo or two in it so far. He might be in a couple of movies but I haven't found any good ones. I can write down some websites and blogs about him if you want." She offers. It sets something warm flickering through my chest.

There's so much about me in this world. I have fans. I have admirers in Gotham, but they either see the cape or the money. Rarely me as a person.

But here, even if it's just the girl sitting across from me, there are people who know the whole of who I am and like me anyway. I'd need to do some research before I can verify if it's accurate at all, but there is something so blatantly healing about the possibility of people accepting you completely.

"I'd love that." My lips curl further up. "You seem to know a lot about this. Is there any particular reason for the fascination?" I ask, purely out of curiosity.

"Oh gosh, that's a loaded question." She chuckles, the sound is gorgeous and bright. "I think I just like the idea of a family protecting their home and the people in it at all costs. And the characters are all so rich and developed because of the writing and the history, so that's a bonus." She explains.

"Amazing." I breathe. "Uh, DC. It's amazing, isn't it?" I catch myself. She grins sweetly.

"It's been a while since someone I've talked to has said so. Or even took an interest." She sighs. "I love Cora, but she isn't invested in any of this. It's basically in one ear and out the other." Charlotte shrugs. I frown.

"But it's something that makes you happy, isn't it? You'd think she'd show a bit more consideration." I try to keep the bitterness from my voice. I know the feeling of being disregarded all too well. Charlotte smiles gently.

"She tries her best. She doesn't shut me down or anything. And she still listens, which is more than most do. Plus she knows enough to support me, and she goes to Comic-Con with me every year." Charlotte defends. "She just doesn't retain the information I give her."

"It just seems a bit, odd," I say tentatively. Charlotte raises a brow.

"And you would know all about her? She's a human being, complex and diverse." Charlotte states, something cold slipping into her voice.

"Alright, point taken." I raise my hands in surrender. "I suppose living with a person wouldn't tell me everything after only a day," I admit, willing her to smile again.

"How did that even happen? If you don't mind me asking." Charlotte questions, making me scramble for answers once again.

"We were driving not too far away, and we got into an accident. Nothing too bad, no one got badly hurt, it didn't even end up in the news as far as I know." I say, watching the concern morph on her face.

"But the car wasn't salvageable so we walked for a while, and we found a girl in a graveyard. Cora decided to let us stay with her until we can get a hold of home and arrange a way back. We lost all of our passports and a few belongings in the crash so it might take a while." I explain with as much detail as I could manage to make it believable. I'll tell the others the same lie so they can keep the story straight.

"Huh, so where are you coming from then?" Charlotte asks, and I fight to keep from swallowing around the tension in my throat.

"Well, some of us came from different countries, but our adopted father raised us just outside of, Boston." I try to keep from hesitating. She seems to accept the answer, not showing any signs of distrust.

"Maybe that's why Cora gets along with you guys. Her parents travel a lot." She mentions, and something cold again sinks into her words.

"She told us that her parents aren't around much. Seems kinda irresponsible if you ask me." I mutter. Charlotte gives me a grim smile.

"Oh, it is. I don't like them very much, but they like me well enough." Charlotte chuckles darkly. It somehow doesn't set me off. Not a single warning bell.

"I don't see how anyone could not like you." I blurt before I could stop myself. She pauses, surprised, before grinning.

"You're pretty likable yourself, Alfred." She admits. It sends my cheeks flushing and I cough to cover my face with my hand.

"Thank you." I nearly wheeze. She smirks.

"You're welcome." She glances at the clock on the wall. "It's gonna get dark soon. Do you know the way back?" She asks. Offers, I realize.

"I, ahem, I think I'll be okay. Thanks for this, though. I would love if we could talk like this again soon." I say and she smiles brightly.

"Anytime, anywhere. See ya, Alfred." She says and stands. She walks back to the kitchen area of the cafe. I watch her disappear before leaving the Cafe.

I walk back to Cora's house slowly. I sort through the information I gained. Though something is telling me that I wasn't the only one trying to find answers.

When I open the door I'm greeted by an expectant Cora and a bored-looking Jason. I assume Demon spawn is drawing and Dick is bothering him.

"Hi, did you guys wait for me?" I say, knowing the answer.

Cora nods and pats the couch cushion between her and Jason. I take a breath and sit.

This started the interrogation.

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