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The computer is blurry. How long have I been staring at this screen? 

The Cave is too quiet. There are no shouts of annoyance or joy.

There is no barely-there presence sitting beside me, clicking away or quietly sipping coffee he knows he shouldn't have. 

There are no crashes of broken stone, or shots fired from a gun he shouldn't be using.

No paws or hooves are trodding after deadly silent feet, or advice that is given unasked for.

 There is no telltale sound of trapeze wires or off-key humming echoing through the stone space.

The only person I've seen in the past week has been Alfred. Before that, I can't remember when I last left the cave to find clues that aren't there. They just aren't there. No matter how many times I search, pray, or interrogate. My children are gone. 

The girls have left me too, off to find their own clues that I truly don't believe exist. I want them to find something like I'd want to breathe if I were drowning. There can't just be nothing.

I vaguely hear a zeta-tube turn on in the background and the familiar light illuminating the blurry screen. I don't turn around. It's probably one of the league members coming to annoy me. However, if I turn from this screen I might miss something that could help me find them.

"Holy portal batman! It worked! We're not dead!" A voice rings out. That voice doesn't sound like anyone from the league. 

I whip my head around, releasing several cracks from my stiff neck. Richard and Jason are standing in front of the Zeta tube. They're hugging, which is almost as surprising as them being there. My beautiful, beautiful boys.

I can barely feel my body move as I make my way over to my eldest sons. They seem to notice me too. Their eyes go wide behind their masks. I remember when I first gave them each a mask.  

"Bruce, you look like shit. What happened while we were gone?" Jason says bluntly. I missed his bluntness. I've missed them so much.

"Where were you?" I gasp, grabbing them both as soon as they're at arm's length. They both stay silent as I pull them close to me. I almost don't believe they're here.

"We should wait for the others before we explain. They should get here soo-" Richard gets cut off by the Zeta tube flashing again. My youngest boy steps forward. All three of them seem okay. I start walking toward him, although I don't want to let go of Jason or Richard.

I barely register the smaller, masked figure beside my son. I quickly grab him and yank him towards me and his elder brothers. All I register is an unknown person is standing behind my child.

"Wha- Father-" Damian starts shouting until I hug him into my chest protectively. 

The girl starts trembling. I can barely see her trying to make herself seem smaller. She doesn't seem like a threat, but looks can be deceiving. Where did she get such a familiar mask?

"Bruce! We're fine!" Jason whines defensively. He said almost the same thing a long time ago. 

The zeta tube flashes one last time as Timothy walks through, typing away on his holo-glove.

"Oh hey, Bru- what are you doing?" He says. He sees the girl and immediately places a hand on her shoulder. "Cora, are you okay?" He says, obviously concerned. I let my defenses drop just a little.

"Yeah, fine, just, um, is that...?" She says, stuttering. She points at me, her hand shaking with her arm. Tim glances at me, then back to her.

"Yeah, he's not usually this, defensive." He says, walking towards me. Tim places a hand on my shoulder, he seems okay. They all seem okay. I let my guards drop just a little more.

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