Fake It Till You Make It

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I should be doing homework. I should be staring at this screen and solving word problems. But instead of the productive thoughts, I should be having, my head feels much too crowded with other thoughts and other problems.

The things Damian told me yesterday are still firmly planted in my mind, stubbornly refusing to clear away until I address how pressing they seem.

Why in all of the universes would Damian believe I wasn't okay with dating him? I wouldn't have said yes if I really didn't want to. I might be more concerned about him, actually.

He's fake dating me. It is going to be announced to the full public of Gotham that he is 'dating' me. He's never mentioned wanting to be romantically involved with anyone else, except when I overheard something about a crush. And knowing the boys, that could have been a complete joke.

So, maybe it's not a problem now, but what if he finds someone he likes? How would any of this work then? It would hurt, especially if I let myself get too attached, but I'd let him go. But, what would happen to me?

What happens if he finds himself falling for someone else? Someone who's actually from the same dimension as him. Someone he actually likes. What if he finds someone else?

I close my laptop with a grumble. I'm obviously not focusing, and I won't be able to concentrate until I either have answers or something more distracting.

The knock on my door works fairly well in distracting me. I stand and stride to find out who I have the pleasure of talking to.

I restrain my shock when I see Damian beyond the door as if summoned by my thoughts. He has a grim look on his face as if he's about to tell me something painful.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask as casually as possible. He subtly clears his throat before speaking.

"I thought you might enjoy going for a walk." He says stiffly. "With me."

"Um, sure. Where are we walking to?" I question, opening the door wider for him as I go to grab my shoes.

"The park. Titus has arrived home, and I believed it was time you two were introduced." He admits, although it somehow seems painful for him to do so.

I pause. 'Titus' sounds familiar, but I don't have a clue who he's talking about. I assume I'll be meeting 'Titus' soon, as Damian begins to lead me away into the hallway.

"Have you known Titus long?" I question. Damian raises a brow, but a notice the slightest smile quirk onto his lips.

"A few years now. He's my best friend and the world's best confidant." He praises easily, almost proudly. It settles me into a certain amount of ease. If Damian likes the guy enough to praise him so openly, he must be great.

"I can't wait to meet him then." I nod with more confidence than I currently have. However, meeting someone new is definitely distracting, and it may be exactly what I need.

I'm led down the hallway, and as we walk I try to find any kind of marker for reference later. A smudge on the wall, a decorative vase, wall art, or even something on the carpet. I find none of anything.

"Is there something wrong?" Damian snatches my attention. My head snaps up from eyeing the floor.

"No, nothing." I try to laugh it off. "Just looking around." I smile. Damian gives me an odd sort of look.

"You've been avoiding eye contact since this morning, and you've been in deep thought for roughly 7 minutes." He states. I blink, stunned. "Are you sure there's nothing?"

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