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Dear diary,

My parents will be coming home today. The boys are cleaning up their rooms as I'm writing this. As far as I can tell they'll be fine in their rooms for the next two days. When my parents go out or go to sleep they can sneak around so they can grab food and stuff. They're good at going unseen.

One thing I haven't thought through yet is groceries. I don't usually eat much but these 4 boys eat like starving lions. Yes, even Damian. Either I need to ask for more money or more food. But I don't know what I'm going to say.

Maybe I can say I've had a growth spurt and I'm hungry more? Or I can ask if a couple of friends can come over for a movie night and a sleepover? Feeding the homeless? I just hope they'll believe me.

I hear a very loud knock come from the front door. That must be them. I bolt out of my bed and race over to the boy's rooms.

"They're here! Hide!" I yell quietly. All of them scramble to get clothes into the closets and find hiding places. I start walking towards the front door while closing both of theirs first.

"Coming!" I yell loudly this time. Once I hear the rustling stop I increase my pace. I open the door widely to reveal my parents.

"Darling! We've missed you so so so much dear! " My mom says, smothering me with kisses and squeezing me very tightly.

"I miss you too mom." I rasp out. She releases me and I gasp for air. My dad hugs me next, firmly but much looser than my mom.

"It's good to be home, sweetie." He says with a couple of pats on my back.

"Here let me help you with your bags guys," I say once he lets go. I grab ahold of a large suitcase and start dragging it up to their room.

They grab the rest and we begin our trek up the stairs. I walk past the boy's rooms very quickly, hoping they'll do the same. They don't.

A small thump can be heard from inside Jason and Tim's room. I clear my throat and stomp a little bit with my next step.

"Sorry, just a leg spasm, I won't drop the suitcase don't worry," I explain. Unfortunately, they immediately look worried.

"Oh honey, is your leg acting up again? It's been so long, did something happen?" My mom says walking towards me quickly.

"No! No, nothing happened. I was just sitting for a while and my leg fell asleep. I'm fine mom." I say quickly, sidestepping her advances. Hopefully, the boys don't dig too deep into that one.

"Well okay, if you say so. But you really need to be careful darling. I won't have my baby girl being hurt again." She worries, damning me. The boys are definitely gonna question it now, but I keep my bright smile in place like a familiar mask.

"I know. Now, let's get this suitcase unpacked, okay?" I say, trying to move away from that subject.

"Okay, but we won't be unpacking much," My dad comments. I nearly freeze in my tracks. "There was a small change of plans and our plane tickets got changed. We'll be leaving again tomorrow morning. I'm so sorry sweetie." He explains apologetically.

Even though I'm used to it my heart still sinks. I hate when they do this. They're barely in the door but I'll have to say goodbye just as quickly. I stamp down the anger that flares up until it's only a small simmer in the back of my mind.

"Oh, okay. Just the laundry then. I'm sure you guys can handle that. I'm just gonna go to my room for a bit. Let me know if you need anything." I offer with a fake smile. Not that the one before was any more authentic. They smile back, completely oblivious, and I hand my mom the suitcase.

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