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I woke up to a gentle hand on my shoulder, a soft voice helping to raise me from my slumber. I blink my eyes open to see Cora, a soft smile on her beautiful face.

"Good afternoon sleeping beauty." She says. I quite like this wake-up call. Cora is exactly what I want to see every time I wake up.

 I need to stop thinking about things like this. One of these days I'll accidentally say one of them.

"Good afternoon waking beauty."

Like that. I did not mean to say that to her. Of course, I find her beautiful, I don't think anything could change that, but that doesn't mean I should say it so blatantly. She is more than her looks.

Regardless of my internal suffering, she giggles, the soft smile on her face widening.

"I see the meds are still in effect. Mr. Pennyworth asked me to bring you some more for when they wear off soon." She says, a light tone in her voice. My lips quirk into a smile.

I look to the nightstand that is beside me. 2 bowls of steaming soup and a glass of water with some pills sit on a tray.

Cora helps me sit up once again. I don't mind the aid as much this time. She's gentle and I can tell she's not judging me. Now that I'm not as distracted by that, how is she even lifting me that easily?

I may not be as big as my brothers but I'm still fairly heavy. Not to mention, she's quite small. I suppose she does have a fair amount of muscle, but I wouldn't think her to be excessively strong.

"Is there something wrong?" She asks, making me blink out of my trance. Why would she ask that?

"Not at all. Why do you ask?" As much as I was wondering, I didn't make too much conscious thought to ask that.

"Oh, sorry you were just zoning out a bit. I thought I may have done something." She says, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. I need to get my head on straight, it's obviously making her uncomfortable.

"You did nothing wrong, Cora, I'm simply a little out of it." I try to assure her. This girl is much too amazing to question herself as she does.

"Right. Are you hungry at all?" She asks.

"Famished," I say, adding a little bit of joking flare. Perhaps the medicine is affecting me.

"Perfect, Mr. Pennyworth made soup. It's good for your voice as well." She says, offering me a bowl. I gladly take it.

"Then I'm sure it's good. Pennyworth is a great chef." I comment easily. "Don't tell him I said that," I plead, realizing my very slim filter. Why do I get the feeling that this will not end well for me?

"Your secret is safe with me. I haven't gotten to try anything he's made yet, but if you like it then I'm sure it's great." She jokes.

"I can't tell if you're calling me picky or if you just respect my opinion," I say, allowing a small smirk onto my face. I take a mouthful of soup as she picks hers up.

"Little of both. You seem like you would go Gordon Ramsay on someone." She says, stirring her soup.

"Who's Gordon Ramsay?" I ask her. She freezes mid-bite.

"Do you not have him here? He's a really brilliant Chef that has a temper. He has a TV show where he essentially mocks Chefs for their cooking." She explains. I can't help but feel a little insulted.

"And you think I'm like him?" I question, I see her face immediately contort into regret.

"No! I was just meaning that you, well, I, I mean, I just figured that you might have high standards is all. You do live in a mansion." She hurriedly explains. and now it's cute, rather than offensive.

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