I Dreamed A Dream

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I crack my eyes open and then immediately regret that decision. It's not bright, it's dark. But my eyes are tired and sore. Not to mention crusted.

I blink them open fully as my body starts to wake up. My limbs feel heavy and my head hurts. I spot a glass of water in front of me. Sitting up does not help how I feel.

I reach for the glass tiredly. My throat sings at finally getting hydrated. My headache starts to ebb away after a few sips. I look around my dark empty house.

At first, I think that everything has been a dream. A glorious, beautiful, heartbreaking dream. I feel my heart sink until I notice the blanket that has pooled over my legs.

Drinking the rest of the water, I wrap the blanket around myself to begin wandering. I have hope it wasn't a dream. It all felt too real and who else would have put the blanket on me or gotten me water?

It could have been me.

That thought sends me running up the stairs, I don't register letting go of the blanket as I sprint. I slam open the door to the guest room. The closet doors are closed and my mom's suitcase isn't there.

I fall to my knees. It was just a dream. Some of Charlotte's ramblings must have stuck and I had a stupidly vivid dream after crying myself to sleep. I feel my heart break. Tears spring in my eyes and I can't stop the broken sob that leaves my trembling lips.


My heart stops in a moment. I whip my head around and spot Damian Wayne standing in the doorway of my room.

Within the next second my arms are around him and he lets out a noise of surprise. I hold him tightly as relief floods every inch of me. He wraps his arms around me as well and I let out another sob.

"You're real. You're here. You're real." I mutter, mostly as an assurance to myself. I know he's probably confused and I'm not making sense but he doesn't ask.

"I'm here. I'm as real as you are." He assures. I nod into his shoulder. I step away slightly to wipe my eyes. I let out a small laugh at how stupid I was acting. Damian cups my face and swipes at a tear with his thumb.

"Beloved, what happened?" He asks gently. I laugh at myself again. It's a bitter sound.

"I um, I thought it was all a dream. I thought that none of it happened." I admit quietly. He gives me a small smile.

"And you were crying tears of joy or...?" He questions. I give him a small, playful shove as I laugh.

"Gosh no. I thought I lost you. I thought, that I was alone again." I say, the somber mood returning as I speak. Damian tilts my head up so I'm looking directly at him.

"As long as I am alive you will never be alone again." He vows, sincerity dripping from his voice. I place a hand over his.

"Then I guess you're stuck with me, huh?" I joke. He grants me a small chuckle.

"If you'll have me." He says with a grin. I grin back.

"Any day, any time," I reply.

"You two are giving me Diabetes! Come help me pack love birds." Says a voice from behind Damian. I see him grimace.

"I'm happy to see you too, Richy. Uh, did you guys pack all of my stuff?" I find myself asking. He snickers.

"Except for one drawer. Little D thought you might want to do that one yourself. Don't worry, we didn't snoop. Much." He amends. I roll my eyes.

I can guess which drawer he's referring to. I regretfully release my hold on Dami. I open my underwear drawer and sure enough, full and untouched. I quirk my eyebrow at Damian who has a blush across his cheeks.

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