Brother Bonding

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"Ha! Uno!" I shout triumphantly. I watch Jason groan and throw down his hand of 26. I had made him choose between not shooting anyone for 2 weeks (starting when we get back home) and picking up 25. It took him a surprising amount of time to start picking up cards.

Tim is in their room next door, working on the calculations we would need to cross over into our dimension. He was the one who told Jason to go keep me and Damian company while he worked, claiming it would be boring.

Damian had left me for Cora some time ago and Jason came over not long after. We had all decided on staying in our rooms in case Cora's parents came home early and we needed to hide. But I guess Little D had other plans.

Speaking of the devil, Damian walks calmly into the room, seeming to be lost in thought. We greeted him nonchalantly, considering we don't want to aggravate him until we know what he's gonna act like.

He's been much, much calmer since we came to this universe. Love is in the air and Damian is hyperventilating.

He sits on the bed silently after nodding to us. Jason and I glance at each other, then look towards the oddly quiet Damian. He seems to break from his trance quickly.

"We should repay Cora somehow. She's been very hospitable, not to mention kind towards us." He states. "Perhaps we could take her with us when we return home." He sort of asks us. It sounds more like a statement.

"Well Little D, maybe she can come for a visit, but she's gotta be back before her parents come back. We wouldn't want to cause her more trouble after all." I say, genuinely considering his request.

His brow furrows at my last statement though, he seems to be contemplating my words carefully. I wasn't aware he could hold that level of consideration for another human being.

"I suppose so. But she should still come to visit often." He says firmly, with a small nod to himself. This is something he really wants, and it's somehow human interaction. Jason and I share a look again.

"Do you like spending time with Cora, then?" I ask gently, hoping not to spook Damian. I already know the answer. He hesitates for a moment. Damian breaks eye contact.

"Yes. Her presence is much less infuriating than either of yours." He says. I look past the small jab, knowing he doesn't mean it. He must like her if he's getting all defensive. The small tinge of red in his ears is another sign.

"Well, then I guess we gotta bring her with us for a bit. She calms you down to the point where you're almost tolerable." Jason teases with a smirk.

Damian almost lunges at him. Almost. A distant rattle rings out quietly before he does. We all freeze when we hear far-away laughter. A couple of clatters become clearer when the front door apparently opens.

Quiet giggles and shushing noises fill the now dead silent house. Jason quietly shuts off the light and we all creep around the room to hiding places. We had better hope Cora's parents go straight to their room.

"Amor, we can't be too loud, you know Cora needs her rest." Cora's mom giggles quietly. A lower chuckle resounds along with hers.

"You're right, you're right. But she has the next two months to rest. And right now I just want to love you." A lower voice, probably Cora's dad, says giddily.

Jason and I make worried faces while Damian remains neutral. I suppose he'd be used to hearing this kind of conversation, having Talia for a mother. Jason and I grew up being scandalized by Bruce.

"I know, I know, but you can love me later dear. We need to get up early tomorrow." Cora's mom speaks in a calmer voice. They both sound at least a little tipsy. No wonder Cora welcomes company.

Her parents are so irresponsible. Not only do they just leave their daughter alone for months at a time, but they're also so careless about how they act around Cora. Going out drinking instead of spending time with their only child on the rare occasion they come home.

Even if Damian hated her, I would want to bring Cora back with us. Maybe I can get Bruce to let me and Jason act as social security workers. Do they have that here? Can he adopt Cora? No, that would make it weird for Damian to be dating her. If my dreams ever come true on that front.

Several heavy, stumbling, footsteps pass our door. I hear a creak at the door in front of ours, which is Cora's.

"Oh, okay, good, she's sleeping." Cora's mother whispers quietly. Another creak and the door is closed. They stumble to the end of the hall together.

When we hear the giggling gets muffled we emerge from our hiding places. We look at each other for a split second and immediately pull out notepads.

The masks get placed onto our faces so we can see clearer in the dark. I begin scribbling furiously.

'We're taking her with us.' I underlined all the words. They both nod vigorously. I'm almost surprised by how quick and aggressive they both were. It seems I'm not the only one who dislikes Cora's lifestyle. Damian writes on his next.

'Her parents are worse than Father's alter ego.' He wrote quickly. His handwriting is still stupidly perfect. I have to agree with his point though. Bruce's Playboy lifestyle at least leaves time for us. Jason goes now.

'They did say they'd be gone for two months this time. They won't even notice.' He shrugs when he showed us his page. Again there is a point. However, there's one thing we're forgetting.

'What about her friend? Wouldn't she notice?' I write quickly. They both seem to deflate a little at that one. Damian starts writing again.

'We're masters of deception.' He has a blank face as he shares his idea. Jason and I both start scribbling. Our handwriting is much worse than his.

'Would Cora be able to lie?'
Jason writes faster than me.
'Does Cora even want to come?' I finish seconds after him.

Damian looks the most conflicted, but Jason doesn't look happy either. Damian starts writing, but he contemplates his answer more than the ones before.

'1. Then we lie for her.
2. We need to ask her. Soon.' He writes. I pat his shoulder gently and quickly. I know he can't stand prolonged physical affection. It's like he's allergic. Jason nods in agreement.

'Then there's no point talking about it now. We should get some sleep. Jason, go make Tim sleep.' I write, keeping my handwriting smaller to fit all the words. Jason nods again and Damian silently huffs but nods his agreement.

I know he cares about Cora. I think he knows too. It seems a tad bit sudden, but he was trained in keeping his emotions hidden. However, the amount of time he willingly spends with her makes it obvious to anyone paying attention.

I see him glance at the doorway every so often as we get settled. Damian insisted on taking the floor tonight. He turns the pillow he has so it's lengthwise with his body, most likely to be more comfortable.

But all the sneaking around has made me tired. I can tell Damian won't sleep much, he seems too vigilant. But I can't blame him, and it would be beneficial to have one of us on the watch so we don't get caught.

I leave him to his brooding as I drift off to sleep.

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