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I woke up to the sound of loud knocking. I know that knocking, and no one else really knocks in this house.

"Cora, get up for breakfast! Dad is making your favorite!" My mom's voice shouts through the thin wood. I never really notice it because of how used to it I am, but my mom's accent slips through when she says my name like that. Not always. I think she does it on purpose.

"Coming momma! Gimme a second!" I loudly grumble back. I'm not a morning person until I've fully woken up. I'm used to taking my time in the mornings. I vaguely wonder if I've always been like that.

I roll myself out of bed and tie back my hair, not ready to deal with it at the moment. I make sure I have enough clothes on as I make my way out of my doorway.

From how loud my mom was yelling I'm sure the boys are awake. I'll start cooking for them when my parents leave. Unless Jason gets there first. He's the only one who cooks besides me. Dick usually just takes a bowl of cereal regardless, and Damian just eats whatever is made. Tim does the same if he eats.

I trod downstairs to see my mom and my dad dancing to quiet Spanish music. I've really missed them, and the love and livelihood they bring. They truly love each other, and it shows.

Not one comment or joke is ever made about 'the old ball and chain' or whatever it is. I don't think they could insult each other that casually. They always talk about whatever is bugging them, no matter what it is. So those jokes or whatever they are just don't make much sense.

I wish someone would love me like that one day. I never want to be a burden to the one I love. But I don't think that's going to happen for a while. So, for now, I'll just watch my parents be happy.

My dad expertly flips the pancake he has in the pan. I can see that it's chocolate chip, definitely my favorite. It's comforting to know that he remembers.

I start setting the table for three. I almost grabbed 2 extra plates, when I remembered that I was setting up for me and my parents, not me and the boys. I make it seem like I was going for the glasses, hoping they didn't notice.

A few minutes later and we're sitting at the table, chatting to catch up. I tell them about going to see Betty Boop, and that my online school work has been going well.

We all decided that I should do it online after I had my accident. I was bedridden anyways, and after that I found the platform and curriculum to be easier, even though it was the same as before, just online. It's the reason I don't need to leave the boys alone in my house to go to school.

As if my thoughts were read, my dad speaks up.

"So, honey, are you sure you're feeling up to having friends over? You can always say that we said no." He offers cautiously. I swallow my food thickly.

"Yeah, like I said, I'm doing great. My leg has been pretty much back to normal. I don't think they'd judge me anyways." I answer quickly, hoping to change the subject.

"Have you not told them, darling? I thought you said you were friends." My mom says, most likely not meaning much by her comment. It still stings a bit.

I haven't told the boys about my injury. It's not a huge part of my life anymore but they might still think I'm weak if they knew.

After all, these guys are heroes, they're so much stronger than I'll ever be. Knowing I dislocated my knee in some stupid training accident might make them coddle me.

That's what my parents do. They actually stayed home for 3 whole weeks while I recovered. I wasn't allowed to walk on my own for just 1, after 2 I could manage just fine, but they stayed for 3.

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