Letting Go

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I lead my mom through the hallways of Wayne manor. It's quiet up here without the boys. They're 'downstairs' moving over my boxes.

I can feel how nervous my mom is. Her face is passive but she's shaking. Luckily Mr. Wayne wasn't in his office. My next assumption is the library. I'm trying to remember where it is. I'm not in there often.

I see a set of gorgeous double doors when we turn a corner. My face lights up at the slight familiarity of them. This has to be it. I creak open a door as nicely as I can.

Mr. Wayne is sitting comfortably in an arm chair, he's reading a very old looking book. He looks up as we enter. His face matches the passive expression on my mom's.

"Cora, I'm happy to see you're back. Who is this?" He says charmingly. I figured he would know, he's Batman.

"Mr. Wayne, this is my mother. Mom, this is Bruce Wayne." I say. I can honestly say I was not expecting him to pale slightly.

"Lovely to meet you Mrs. Sanchez. What can I do for you two?" He says, the charming smile not leaving his face as he extends a hand for my mom to shake.

"You as well Mr. Wayne." She says as she accepts his hand. "I have recently been made aware of my daughters recent living arrangements. I wish to speak to you about that." She says formally. It's been a long time since I've heard her speak like it's a business meeting.

"Ah. Would you prefer to move to my study then?" He asks politely. I can see why he's the head of a grand company. He's formal but not off-putting.

"Here is fine. It should be a quick conversation assuming we agree." She says. Mr. Wayne gestures to the couch across from his chair and we sit down.

I feel a little awkward, like I'm in trouble and they're talking about how long I should be grounded. There's that same amount of fear.

"So what specifically is your plan for Cora?" He asks. My mom quirks the side of her mouth, like a suppressed smile.

"I have been informed that you are the one responsible for the 4 boys that brought her here, and thus her as well. Correct?" She answers with another question.

"Yes, that's correct." He says, motioning for my mom to continue.

"I would like for that to continue, under a few conditions." She says, the smile isn't as suppressed now.

"You want her to stay with me? Here?" He asks, I know he means in this dimension.

"Yes." She states. Mr. Wayne turns his attention to me.

"And Cora, would you like to stay?" He asks. I nod.

"Yes, assuming it's alright with you," I answer. I feel very small and childish at the moment.

"Mrs. Sanchez, you mentioned conditions. Those are?" He asks. His attention is thankfully back to my mom.

"She will be cared for physically, mentally and emotionally, she will have the option to return to me and her universe at any time for any length of time, and finally, you keep her from becoming a hero, or a vigilante." She states.

I understand her concerns behind each of these. I don't have any particular interest in becoming either a hero or a vigilante, so that doesn't matter to me. I do have a question, but before I can ask Mr. Wayne speaks.

"I find these terms to be acceptable. However, I want you to be aware of the people she will be in close contact with. There's no keeping her away from it completely." He explains. My mom nods none the less.

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