Fluffy Fluff

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The sunlight from the early morning sun blinds me as I blink open my eyes. I look down, my gaze falling on Cora Sanchez.

Her chestnut hair is still wavy from the curls she had last night. Her eyes are closed, her eyelashes fanning her cheeks. Her lips are slightly parted, still pink from whatever she did to them. She looks stunning.

The best part by far is that with her arms wrapped around my torso, she looks completely at ease. I gently lift one of my arms from her back to her hair. I'm trying my best not to wake her but I also want to play with her hair.

I know that when she runs her hands through my hair it feels good, but I'm not sure how she would feel if I did the same. Her hair is certainly longer, how much of it can she feel?

I settle for running my fingers through the ends, lightly carding them down her back as well. She mumbles something I can't understand but her grip on me tightens only slightly. I will take this as a good sign.

"Dami." She says softly. Her eyes are still closed and her voice is breathy. I almost chuckle at how adorable she is. Everything from her voice to her face, to the way she says my nickname. Adorable.

I continue moving my hand gently through her hair and across her back. She takes a deep breath, her eyelids squeezing. Cora shifts her head so she's looking at me blearily.

Her eyes snap open and she sits up in a scramble of limbs and pure, unbridled panic.

That's not how I thought she would wake up in my arms for the first time.

"Oh my gosh Dami, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep on you." She says quickly, panic evident in her voice and features. I sit up so we're face to face.

"Beloved, calm down. Everything is okay." I say, placing my hands over her arms. Something seems to click in her mind as if she only just remembered something.

"Right. Yeah, I just forgot. It just, um, I thought I was dreaming." She says shyly. I bring my hand up to cup her cheek.

"Everything that happened was completely real." A smile breaks onto my face. "You're mine," I say more to myself than to her. I almost can't believe it either.

"I'm all yours. You're mine too then, right?" She asks, almost as if she's scared to hear the answer.

"Every single part of me is yours. For better or worse." I say, thinking of the differences between us. She is pure and good, and I'm a murderer with anger issues. She places her hand over mine.

"And I want all of it. All of the better and all of the worse." She says, staring directly into my eyes. I can feel my heart thudding in my chest. One would think it's a bit too early in the day to make such a claim, but I believe her.

"Then I guess I have no choice," I say. Her face twists in confusion. "I'm never letting you go." I pull her against me with an arm around her waist. I then throw myself back onto her bed. She lets out a small yelp that dissolves into giggles.

I smile down at her on my chest. She grins back at me, wiggling her way up so we're face to face. I roll my eyes sarcastically, the smile on my face betraying me. I watch her bite her cheek in thought.

"Can I kiss you?" She asks quietly. My heart pulls.

"Anytime you want, for as long as you want," I say, unable to stop the swelling feeling in my chest.

She leans forward and gives me a quick kiss on my lips, warmth spreading through my face. Her face is dark pink, but not yet red. I grin up at her, my cheeks beginning to hurt. I'm unused to smiling this often.

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