Oh Brother

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I heard about the Demon Spawn's hissy fit. Cora is taking care of it, but that shouldn't be her job. We're the eldest, and Bruce is his father for Christ's sake! We shouldn't be making a 13-year-old who barely knows him deal with an emotionally unstable Demon brat.

I walked away from Dickhead almost as soon as he mentioned that we are apparently putting our responsibility onto Cora. I stomped away, to be precise.

I'm currently speed-walking to the Demon's den, fully intent on protecting Cora if I need to. I doubt he would hurt her, but he's never been this angry around her before. And who knows what her limits are?

Just as I'm about to barge into his room, I see the door is closed. Not only that, but no one is yelling, nothing is broken. Everything is eerily silent except for soft snores and mumbles.

I cautiously walk over to the sleeping pair, assessing both of them. Neither have red or puffy eyes, so no one cried. They're holding each other in comfortable but connected positions, so this was probably how they fell asleep.

They fell asleep cuddling on his bed.

I listen into the silence for the broken mumblings. Something more shocking than the position they're in is that Demon spawn keeps muttering, 'mine.'

But the best part is when a couple of seconds later, every time he does so, Cora mumbles back.


It's cute enough to warm my cold, dead heart. Cora looks more peaceful than I've ever seen her. It makes me realize that she holds a surprising amount of tightness to her.

And Demon Spawn doesn't look like he deserves that name. He looks innocent, and there's something desperate in the way he's clinging to her.

Feeling the need to save this moment in time, I whip out my phone, press record, and wait for the two to mumble again. A minute or two passes before they do.

Cora wasn't kidding when she said he could be sweet. Damian is holding her tightly, but he's not hurting her as far as I can see. Not to mention, she's holding him just as tight, with her hand in his hair.

Is that how she calms him down? By petting him like a cat? I can't tell if that's odd or adorable. Or is it just her? Because Bruce reacted almost exactly like Damian did when they first met, and even I feel casual and relaxed around her. Maybe she's a Meta.

I contemplate all of this as I walk out of the room, checking over the footage I just shot. This is gonna be great blackmail material. I can't wait to use this against the brat when he's being especially annoying. He may look innocent now, but I have enough scars from him to know that will change.

And now I know who's going to be out on the front line to deal with him. If Dick is trying to play at big brother, he's about to get a big bother in the form of a punch in the face.

I walk back to where I left him, in the kitchen, my footsteps getting harder as I walk. I can't stop thinking of the way she looked at us when she found out who we are. There could very well still be a part of her that's scared of us.

To my surprise, he's still sitting on the counter. He takes a bite of his cereal and looks me dead in the eyes as I walk in. I hate that smug look on his face.

"So, how'd it go?" He asks, completely unfazed by my irritation.

"The tater-tots are sleeping. As far as I can tell, nothing bad happened. But that doesn't make this okay, Dick." I spit out at him.

"So, you're telling me that someone else could have done that? You know how Cora affects him, and we don't do that!" He tries to explain. As if that makes it okay.

"So? Did you even ask if she wanted to? Did it occur to you that those two may not be comfortable enough to get angry around each other?! For fucks sake Dick head the girl is not a miracle cure!" I rant. He seems a little guilty now. Good.

"I just, he's a human being. He's not some problem that only we can solve. We all know she helps him. And I'm pretty sure he helps her too. They're good for each other, Jason." He explains desperately.

I sigh heavily. I can understand his motives, but he went about it in the wrong way.

"I get it. You want to help him, but it can't be at her expense. This isn't even her family. She barely knows us, and she has enough on her plate. She should be the one to decide if she wants to help the Brat. And when." I grit out.

"I know, but she was there." He admits, hanging his head. "It seemed like a good idea."

"Then when they wake up from their little cuddle fest, you have to apologize. And count yourself lucky that nothing happened" I order, sounding much too Bruce-like for my taste.

"Of course, I will." His head shoots up. "Wait, cuddle fest?" He questions, eyes flashing with interest.

"Yeah. I know they're 'fake' dating but if someone needs proof I have it." I explain.

"Show me." He says, jumping off the counter. I pull out my phone again, already in my gallery.

I let the video play, and I flinch as Dick squeals a little, covering his mouth with his hand.

"This is such good blackmail material for the both of them," I comment as the video ends.

"I swear if those two don't confess soon, you're gonna have to show them that. I mean come on, they basically just admitted it in their sleep." He says dramatically.

"Agreed, maybe the gala will do something. I mean dancing, dressing nice, lively yet romantic atmosphere. It's perfect." I say, letting my inner romantic out for a second. I would love something like this if I could have it.

"I mean, they are supposed to be fake dating right? And we know they both want to, so why not give them a little nudge? Nothing pressuring, just getting an idea in their heads." Dick suggests.

"Like?" I question. His suggestions have been known to be forceful.

"Like he should dance with her, and if she accepts then kiss her hand or something. I dunno yet." He explains with a shrug.

"A little teasing here, a sprinkle of hope here. If it makes them happy together then I see no harm. Let's keep it at no harm though. We don't want to make them uncomfortable, they're just kids." I remind him.

"They would argue that they're teenagers, but yes, I see your point. I promise, no pressure." He vows.

"Good, so let's go show Tim and get him in on this?" I ask.

"Definitely. I'm sure B already knows, and Alfred definitely knows." He says with a chuckle.

"Oh definitely." I agree.

Alfred knows everything.

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