Pillow Talk

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The garden is 7 steps away. I can hear the music from the gala filtering through the night air. I'm gripping onto Damian's arm like he's the only thing between me and death, which feels a little too accurate right now.

I feel as though returning to a party in our honor from seemingly nowhere is a bit suspicious, and I'm worried my eyes are still red. Damian walks evenly, as if unfazed.

Obviously, we attract some attention from the guests, making me feel even more self-conscious. As we step through the door we only attract more attention.

I see Mr. Wayne has noticed us as well. His charming smile falls and he excuses himself quickly. We walk towards him as he walks towards us.

"Is everything okay?" He asks worriedly. His inner 'daddy bat' is slipping through. I give him a small and sheepish smile.

"Everything is fine, Father." Damian starts.

"We were just taking a stroll through the garden. Nothing to worry about." I cut in, viewing the crowd that has amassed around us. I squeeze Damian's arm a little tighter.

"I'm happy to hear that. I didn't see you two for a bit. You're enjoying yourself, then?" He asks, probably trying to ask a bigger question.

"Yes, of course, everything is lovely. However, I have an unexpected early class tomorrow. So I think I'll have one more dance and then I'll go to bed." I say, lying through my teeth.

"Of course. Let me know if you decide to wander off again." He says with a lighthearted chuckle, effectively dismissing the rest of the dwindling crowd. I breathe a sigh of relief.

"I will. Have a nice night Mr- Bruce." I say, catching myself. I have to remember to call him Bruce instead of Mr. Wayne. At least in public.

"You too, Cora." He says, walking away to chat with some other people that I don't know.

"One more dance then beloved?" Damian asks, turning to me with a smirk. He must know how exhausted I am.

"I think I'd like that. Next song?" I ask, looking into his eyes with a smile. My bed can wait.

"Of course. We can do whatever you wish." He says, gazing back at me with renewed fondness. I feel myself blush. I hear the song that was playing come to an end.

As a new song begins, Damian leads me to the dance floor for the second time tonight. This time the song is a little faster, so instead of slow swaying, we use up the last of our fading adrenaline with faster movements.

Damian's hand is back around my waist, not too low to be suggestive, but not high enough to be at my ribs. His other hand is warming mine as we move.

I can hear a crescendo coming up and Damian smirks at me. As soon as it hits, he dips me gently, our faces coming closer than before. I can't help the face-splitting smile that breaks onto my face.

As he brings me back up he gently kisses my forehead, causing tingles to shoot through my body like lightning strikes. I can't help but giggle giddily. Damian continues to smirk devilishly at me.

Despite the implied malice his smirk seems to exude, he's gazing at me as if I'm the most important thing in the world. I can't do anything but continue to blush at that. I don't think the blood has left my face since he kissed me. Maybe before that.

"Enjoying yourself, Beloved?" He asks, most likely knowing the answer.

"Of course, I have you as my dance partner," I say, flirting openly with him. I see a small blush appear on his face, showing me that I affect him as easily as he affects me.

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