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I hold her in my arms, just because I get to hold her.

I scoop her up by her waist and spin her once just because I'm unable to contain the pure joy that fills me. She cackles with her head thrown back, her legs kicking excitedly.

I smell the perfume she's wearing, and how it mixes with her usual scent. I feel her heart beating as fast as mine. I close my eyes and bow my head to drink up everything about the moment as I set her down softly.

"Hey, Dami?" She asks after a few long moments. I don't look up, careful not to break out of this daydream, but I make a noise of affirmation. "I love you."

My breath hitches and I hold her just a little tighter. I raise my head from her shoulder to look her in the eyes, I see the nervousness in her red-rimmed gaze.

"I love you too Cora, more than you can ever know," I respond seriously. All of the books I've read and all of the languages I know can't possibly describe how much I truly and dearly love this girl.

"Should we go back? I don't really feel like dancing, but I could use a nap." She says hesitantly. I cup her face in my hand, rubbing my thumb along her mascara-smeared cheek.

"Of course Beloved. Let's get you cleaned up then." I say, taking out the handkerchief I have in my pocket. I've learned it's a good idea to bring one to events like this. I don't always like being right.

I start wiping at her smudged makeup. Her eyeliner seems okay, maybe a little lighter and not as clear. Her eyeshadow seems to look untouched, the only thing that was terribly affected was her mascara.

I wipe the flakes and smudges around her eyes last, her gaze searching my face. I wink at her, which makes her giggle. I appreciate the sound as I wait for her to finish so I can continue without poking her.

I wipe at the bottom rim of her right eye, then at her left. Surprisingly, her tears make for a good makeup remover. Cora looks almost exactly as she did before. Her skin is clear and toned anyways, so I suppose she didn't need foundation or concealer.

I look down at her lips. As much as I want to kiss them, I'm helping her right now. She doesn't appear to have smudged her lipstick, it doesn't look like she's even wearing lipstick. However, her lips are unnaturally pink.

I glance back up at Cora's eyes. I see so much admiration and love in them. She's been almost completely still throughout this whole process. The starlight is shining against her deep brown eyes. I can't help but get lost in them.

I swallow hard. She looks gorgeous, just as she always does. Yet when she's looking at me like that, I don't think I've ever seen anything so ethereal. Without looking away, I absentmindedly put away my handkerchief.

I cup Cora's face in my hand, rubbing her cheekbone lightly. My eyes flick from her eyes to her lips to her eyes again. She loves me. She really is mine now. I can hold her. I can dance with her. I can hold her hand.

I could kiss her. If I ask, I could kiss her almost anytime I want.

That thought sends my heart racing once again. Can I really? Can I truly have her in my arms and kiss her when I wish?

I continue to gaze over Cora, she's been silent since she stopped giggling. As if she's in a trance almost. Perhaps she is equally lost in thought. My arm around her waist pulls her tighter, closer to me.

"D-Dami?" She stutters, sounding quiet and dazed.

"Yes?" I question.

"Can, can I kiss you?" She asks, hesitance in her voice. I can't help but smile.

"Of course, Beloved," I state. I'm enjoying getting to call her that. It's so easy to say, so effortlessly true.

She has to stand on her tiptoes to reach my lips, which is adorable. I lean in a bit to help her, she really is small. In a final burst of what I assume is determination and courage, she kisses me. A small, chaste kiss, but one full of love.

I feel my heart pound in my ears. I love this feeling. The feeling of her lips on mine, the indescribable feeling of pure joy, the satisfaction that overwhelms me. It's addicting.

Her hand is in my hair and it sends tingles throughout my body, like fireworks. I move my one hand back, so it's now holding her head gently instead of cupping her face. My fingers are intertwined with her hair.

Am I breathing? I can't tell. Should I be breathing? I don't want to let her go to find out. I need this. I don't know why and I don't care. I just know that this is what I have needed for a long long time.

After what felt like seconds and hours, Cora starts to pull away. She's slow and she doesn't let go of me in the slightest. I feel myself follow her lips, but I ultimately allow her to break the kiss.

"Thank you." She says breathlessly. Her breathing is heavy but not concerning. I feel my own breathing start to return to normal.

"Not a problem. Feel free to kiss me as you please." I allow. She flusters, her face turning a dark red, the moonlight casting her in a ghostly glow.

She rests her head on my shoulder, her face turned towards my chest with a small noise from the back of her throat. I don't mind at all, so long as I can hold her.

"I think if I do that again, my heart is going to burst." She mutters. I can't help but chuckle, wonderfully elated.

"You don't have to do anything you're not ready for," I assure her easily.

"I'm okay, really. I just," She pauses. "I never thought I'd have this." 

I hold her tighter, soaking up the feeling of her in my arms, the way her warmth seeps into my very bones. 

"I never imagined I'd feel this way for someone until I met you," I admit. 

"I honestly thought you had a crush on somebody else." She tells me. I can't see her face, but there's a smile in her voice. I frown.

"Where would you get that idea?" I question. 

"I heard a little bit of a conversation with the other boys. I never would have guessed you were talking about me." She recounts. I believe I know the conversation she's talking about. 

"They guessed my feelings for you while we were still in your dimension. I wouldn't put it past them to drop hints." If you could call them that. My brothers tend to be quite obvious.

"They probably did, but why in the world would I believe you even considered me an option?" She chuckles. I scowl at the implication. 

I gently take her chin in hand, tilting her head up so she's looking me in the face. I stare into her eyes with fierce determination.

"Because you are the only option. I want no one else. You are who I would choose above all others." I state. She blushes again, but she doesn't back down from my stare.

"Then I guess you're stuck with me. Because I don't want anyone else either." She smiles that brilliantly bright smile.

The sun means nothing to me in the face of that smile.

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