The End

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Cora plugged in her newly fixed CD player. She immediately pressed play and the room became full of music. Tim stayed to help her unpack.

Not even a few minutes later, Damian waltzed in. He had heard the music, but not the shouting. The 3 continued unpacking in comfortable silence aside from the music. Dancing to certain songs made the process go just a bit slower.

Jason and Dick entered the room right in the middle of a very upbeat pop song. Dick started singing, which made Cora start singing. Even Damian was shuffling as he put away folded clothes.

Eventually, a slower song came on, most likely Damian's recommendation. He asked Cora to dance and she accepted. She couldn't quite stop giggling. If they looked closely, someone could see the tips of his ears turning red.

Of course, this prompted the older boys to begin waltzing horribly, until the pairs began to get a bit competitive. Then Cora's room may as well have turned into the set for Dancing with the stars.

They continued their shenanigans well past when the last box was emptied. They even got Bruce to join in. He danced with Dick as they used to when Richard was just a boy. Now he has several more children and even a potential Daughter in Law.

Alfred took many pictures that day. Bruce was genuinely smiling, which was a rarity. Jason and Tim were still dancing together, which commemorated the end of Jason's sibling reign of terror. Cora got Damian to breakdance, something he learned from the Teen Titans. And most of all, they were all happy together.

There was more to do and many people to help. More to say and many people to say it to. More to laugh at and many people to laugh with.

As Cora looked out at the people that loved her, she made a startling realization.

She finally has what she wished for.

A Real family.

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