Settling In

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I follow behind Mr. Wayne silently. I understand why the boys told me he was intimidating. He's so much taller than me, I swear I couldn't even reach his head if I wanted to.

I can tell he's softened up from when I first arrived, but he still looked at me like I killed his dog when I first got here. It's a hard image to forget in what I guess to be 15 minutes or so.

The boys themselves are changing into their regular clothes. I wish they were here because I am very nervous. This hallway seems to stretch on forever. There's an endless amount of identical doors.

We come to an abrupt halt and I almost bump into Mr. Wayne. He opens a door to his right and I peer inside. It's gorgeous. 

There's an open balcony and a queen-sized bed. Everything is white with dark brown furniture. It reminds me of a hotel I once stayed in with my parents. The sun is illuminating the room almost perfectly.

"If you like it, then this room is yours. Feel free to unpack and get settled in." Mr. Wayne offers in a gruff yet kind voice. He's trying to be nice. 

His words finally register. This is my room?! No way. I mean this room is absolutely gorgeous and I would absolutely love to stay here, but it also looks way too extravagant to let me use. I look at Mr. Wayne, feeling my face heat up.

"Are you sure? I mean I just kinda showed up and you want to give me a room like this?" I question. Was that offensive? I hope not. He chuckles a little, calming my nerves only slightly.

"Of course, Miss Sanchez. You welcomed my sons into your home, now we're welcoming to into ours. You can also customize it if you don't like it." He says, back to being kind once again.

"Oh, well that really wasn't a big deal, it was certainly nothing compared to this," I say, eyeing the glass light shade. Mr. Wayne chuckles again, he seems to find my nerves amusing. I see where the boys get it from.

"I am quite sure it was more than you realize, Miss Sanchez. Now, I'm going to go check on my boys. Please, make yourself at home." He says, beginning to walk away. My gaze flicks between his retreating figure and the room before me.

I hesitantly walk into the room. The hardwood floors are beautiful and a wardrobe of the same color sits in the corner. All of the furniture seems to be made from the same dark wood. The nightstand that sits beside the bed is no different as well as the door to the closet. 

It takes tremendous effort not to take a running leap onto the heavenly-looking bed. It seems wrong almost, to ruin the sheets like that.

I grip the backpack straps on my chest. I wander over to the balcony for some air. It stretches across the whole house and I can see other doors along the edge of it. They most likely lead to other bedrooms like mine. 

Upon looking over the edge I see a garden surrounded by a small forest. It's beautiful. There's a fountain and some shrubbery. There's a section for flowers and I see some planter boxes as well. I stand and admire the perfect-looking plants.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" 

I yelp a little, not noticing Damian beside me. How long was he even there? I breathe deeply for a couple of seconds.

"Yeah, yes, um, hi," I say, calming down once I realize that it's just Dami. He smirks at me.

"Hello. Are you enjoying your room?" He asks. I can hear his amusement. It would be embarrassing if he weren't so, well, him.

"Well, I think it's gorgeous, but it seems, um... I just don't know if I deserve such a fancy room just for letting you and your brothers stay at my place for a while. If anything that was enough reward for me." I say, voicing some of my concerns.

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