School Days

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At 7:30 am my alarm starts screaming its usual upbeat tune. I don't care how bright and happy that tune is, I still hate it on principle. That tune means that I have to wake up for school.

I groan and roll over to shut it off. I do my usual morning routine, just in a different bathroom. Teeth, hair, face, deodorant. All that fun and exciting stuff.

I make my way down the hallway, glancing at Damian's door while I do. I hope for his sake that he's still sleeping. I walk to the stairs, then down the stairs, until I finally, finally make it to the kitchen.

Honestly, who needs to go on a morning jog if you live in this mansion. No wonder the guys are all so fit. Though I'm sure the vigilante thing helps too.

I wander into the kitchen, no one is here at the moment, so I look through about 5 different cupboards until I find the cereal. Richy lives here sometimes, of course, there's cereal. I grab a box of fruity-flavored lucky charms before making my way around to where I think the bowls are.

I find them in the next cupboard over, stacked in a neat but tall pile. Is this house made for giants? How does anyone short ever get anything? But even Damian is taller than me, so I suppose the height actually makes sense.

I look around me quickly, because if someone walks in on me doing this they're not gonna let me live it down. I'm used to the shelves in my own house being shorter. My mom is pretty short too, and my dad had the contractors design it to accommodate.

I lift myself up, climbing onto the counter easily. I sit on my knees uncomfortably while I gently grab a bowl. As quick as I got up, I get down.

Next, I go in search of spoons. I find them quickly and easily find the milk in the fridge. I make my cereal, glancing at the clock once I'm done. A sense of panic hits me when I see that it's 7:50. My class starts at 8.

I put away the milk and the cereal box, quickly grabbed my cereal, and speed walking all the way back to my room. I place the bowl on the nightstand, starting to get set up on the desk I only fully noticed last night.

I rush to set up my Brightspace account. Luckily I have WiFi here. I pull out my binder. I look over the work that I have to do for the day, as well as what I missed yesterday.

I breathe a sigh of relief when my attendance shows me as present. I get up only to grab my breakfast.

I work quietly on my own for the next couple of hours, finishing my cereal in between questions and paragraphs.

Finally, at about 1 pm I submit the final assignment for the day. I close my laptop and binder, feeling satisfied as I do so. I grab my cereal bowl and head out of my room.

I walk down the hallway feeling accomplished. I can't hear anything from Damian's room so he's probably resting. I continue down the hallway until I reach the stairs, making my way to the kitchen.

As I'm washing my dishes I hear voices coming from the dining room. Are they having lunch? I dry my bowl, placing it back into the pile I got it from.

I walk to the door that leads to the dining room, opening the door slowly. All 6 heads whip to face me.

Mr. Wayne is sitting at the head of the table, Richy and Tim at his sides. Jason sits beside Tim and beside Richy is, Damian? Mr. Pennyworth is setting the 6th place with the same lunch the rest of them have.

"Miss Sanchez, I was just about to call you for lunch. Please, sit." Mr. Pennyworth says, motioning to the spot beside Damian.

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Pennyworth," I say, stiffly walking over to the spot I was directed to. Mr. Wayne clears his throat and continues with what he must have been saying earlier.

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