Bestie Betty

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I lead the boys around town with a smile. It's a nice day out, and I finally know a little bit about my new house guests.

I wouldn't call them friends. I have a friend, and I call her Betty Boop. These boys are just people I want to know more about, who I also live with.

I doubt Betty Boop would see the logic in my reasoning, especially since there is none. But I suppose I'll find out when we get to the cafe. I almost hope she's not working, but I know my luck. I couldn't find a four-leaf clover if it got stuck to my shoe.

"I think you boys are gonna love it there. They have great tea, and a friend of mine makes the best coffee I've ever tasted." I state, watching as Tim perks up.

"Did you say coffee? I don't care if it's made of mostly water, I haven't had coffee in days. I think I'm going through withdrawal." He blurts. I take a subtle step away from him. I guess people do like coffee that much.

"Okay then. We're here, so be on your best behavior. My friend will be super suspicious if you act suspicious. She also practically runs the place, and she's my best friend. So be nice." I order. The boys nod silently before I lead them inside.

I head to my usual booth, with its rich brown pleather seats, and the boys cram into it. Tim and Jason both sit across from me, Damian, and Richy. Damian and I are squashed together, but I don't mind. He's surprisingly comfortable.

I watch in passing amusement as each of them takes in the surrounding cafe. I try to see it through their eyes. Wooden floors. A brick wall at one end of the store. Windows showing the dull world around us. And the counter is manned by a barely familiar, very annoyed-looking college student.

I see Betty Boop walk out from the back room with a bright smile. Her black hair bounces in its curly bob as she strides gracefully over to us.

"Hiya Cora! Did you make some new friends? Are you replacing me?" She says dramatically, then laughs. It sounds horribly forced.

"No, these guys are just some foreigners from out of town. I'm letting them stay in my guest rooms while they're here, on vacation." I lie through my teeth. I ignore the looks they give me.

Betty Boop- Charlotte, gives me a different look and she attempts to drag me across the table to get me up, much to the discomfort of the boy beside me. They both end up moving out of the way for me to leave. Richy takes my place against the wall.

"I'm just gonna borrow her for a minute." She says, obviously faking her enthusiasm. She drags me to the other end of the dining area like a harried mother.

"Cora, are you being held hostage?" She asks, concern flooding her face. I can't blame her for her reaction.

"No. Not at all. I was just- I didn't mean to offer my home to them. But I saw an opportunity and I took it." I explain, a familiar sadness starting to creep up on me. I beat it back.

"Then kick them out. You don't owe them anything." She says. I bite my cheek for a moment.

"I know I don't, but where else are they gonna go? I have the space." I try to explain. The sadness pushes against my chest, but I force it down once again.

"So? They're strangers. Why would you trust them?" She asks fiercely.

"I don't know. But it's a big house. I know it's stupid and I should have called you first or done anything else. But maybe-" I cut myself off. Emotions I don't like clog my throat. Charlotte's face softens.

"Maybe you won't feel so alone?" She finishes for me. My face burns crimson. She pulls me into a hug, which I return. So much for beating back the sadness.

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