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"So, what do we do exactly?" I question, feeling anxious already. It's only been a half an hour.

"We simply observe and only give aid when it's needed, Miss Sanchez. Not to worry, all of these boys are good at what they do." Mr. Pennyworth assures me for what feels like the 10th time tonight. I take a deep breath and nod regardless.

I look over all of the monitors. Richy is walking through a charred factory building. He'll turn over a piece of sheet metal every now and again, making a comment here and there.

Tim is waiting quietly in the rafters of a dimly lit warehouse. He's watching a bunch of thugs from afar. If I were to take a guess, he's gathering information.

Jason, on the other hand, is in the middle of a fistfight with the Riddler, a vat of acid to his left, a still bound hostage to his right. He seems to be winning fairly easily.

His right cheek is a little swollen and he has a busted lip. Riddler is much worse, with a sprained wrist, a black eye, a broken nose, and his leg just doesn't look right. Jason should be okay.

Batman and Damian are the ones that have me worried.

Batman is fighting with the Joker, and he seems to be holding his own. Damian is dealing with the goons. He moves fluidly and with practiced precision. There are just so many of them.

I trust Damian, and I believe he can take them all out. But he's just one person. I can't help but feel the most anxious for him. He's taken a couple of hits.

He has a little blood splattered across his face, though it's not his. Somehow that fact is comforting, in a really morbid way.

Mr. Pennyworth sits quietly beside me, switching cameras and adding Richy's comments to a recorded file. If he's worried he's certainly not showing it.

I notice Tim's screen start flashing from the corner of my eye. When I look up at it, he appears to be fighting Penguin and Two-Face from the rafters. He darts back and forth so sleekly it's almost hard to see him.

His opponents eventually trigger a chain reaction causing a rafter beam to fall on top of them, effectively knocking them out.

"I'm done on my end. Does anyone want some extra backup?" Tim speaks into his com.

"Can you get a head start on Ivy? I'm just finishing up with the Riddler." Jason asks. Their conversation seems more like they're talking about homework. It's very casual, and unnerving.

"On it, she's in the warehouse district too, right?" He says, jumping off of a rafter, most likely to tie up the bad guys.

"Yep, in 730 if B's intel is correct," Jason says, elbowing the Riddler in the jaw. Riddler drops like a puppet with cut strings.

I watch Jason untie the hostage and make sure he doesn't have any serious injuries. The guy looks to be around 16, maybe a little older. I absently wonder how the poor guy ended up like this.

"She's here, she's just working on something. Get here quick Red, or else I'll have done your job for you." Tim says playfully.

"On my way, busybody." Jason retorts. Their light banter eases my nerves a bit. Just slightly.

I return my focus to Damian. He's down to the last few goons. He incapacitates them one by one easily. His movements are calculated and efficient, like a surgeon's incision. Despite how violent it is, his fighting style is entrancing to watch.

A look over to Batman sends fear through my heart.

The Joker is standing above him as he's held to the ground, an odd-looking gun to his head. It matches Joker's horrible outfit, purple and green, with a bubbled shape. Nothing that spells good news.

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