Domestic Disturbance

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This is just too much. I just can't get it. I don't understand.

Why isn't it the inside angle?

I groan as my head sinks from my hands onto my desk. I was fine with yesterday's problems but now there's a new component and a different way to solve this. No matter which way I look at it, this just can't work.

A soft knock sounds at my door. Without looking up I yell for them to come in. Anyone saying anything would be better than breaking my brain over this equation.

"You would not believe the nerve of that- Beloved? What's wrong?" Damian's voice cuts through my annoyance.

"Math is haarrrd." I whine, turning my head to face him. He chuckles and shakes his head at my antics, well aware of my good grades.

"Would you like some help?" He offers. If it were anyone else I would think he's mocking me.

"Are you sure? You sounded like you had a bad day too." I point out, sitting up straight.

"Believe me, whatever equation has you stumped is going to be much easier to deal with." He says, kneeling so he can see my screen and my assignment paper.

"If you say so. Do you want a cushion or something?" I offer. He shakes his head, looking over the numbers instead.

"You would need to find the angle of depression by making a 90-degree angle like this." He explains, writing it out as he goes.

"Oh. That makes so much more sense. No wonder I kept getting the wrong number." I say sheepishly. He raises an eyebrow at me with a smirk.

"How do you know the answer without correctly doing the question." He asks.

"It didn't equal 9, and I have a sheet with the answers but not the way to solve it," I say, pulling up a different tab on my computer.

"That seems counter-productive." He states.

"It works well enough." I shrug. "Now, do you wanna talk about what happened today?" I prompt.

Damian looks down, away from my eyes. My brows furrow. I place my hand on his hair, letting a comforting smile onto my face.

"Damian, whatever it is you can tell me. There's not much you could do in just a couple of hours right?" I try to comfort him. He moves away from my hand and pulls his knees up to his chest.

Well, now I'm really worried. I move my chair back so I can sit beside him on the floor. He glances up at me and then looks back down. He resembles a kicked puppy, shying away from all touch while curling in on himself.

"I almost cheated on you."

My breathing stutters just before I can inhale. I gasp for the lost air as everything seems to crumble. My chest and ribs don't feel right, as if my insides are twisted, and I wish I could split open my head to release some of the overwhelming amounts of thoughts that threaten my sanity.

He can't mean that he wants someone else. I don't think I could take it. We've only been dating for a week. I can't lose him, not this soon.

He's already bored of me. I wasn't enough for him. I thought he was happy. Maybe he was just faking it to be nice. Maybe he doesn't feel the same and only wanted to get me to calm down.

Didn't he say almost?

"How do you, almost, cheat on someone?" I ask quietly. My mind is racing and that's the only question I can think to ask.

"Destiny. She tried to kiss me. I pushed her away, I promise. I'm so sorry Cora." He says, his voice breaking. He buries his head into his knees.

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