Mother Dearest

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Damian and I look at each other in panic. Well, I'm panicking. He looks, oddly calm. I quickly make my way to the stairs. What could have made her yell like that?

"Mom? Is everything okay?" I ask hesitantly. My mom storms out of the guest bedroom and I'm immediately terrified. The last time I saw my mom get this angry was when I had my accident.

"Who in the sweet SANTA MARIA IS THIS MAN?!" She shouts, her hand is pointed to the room she just came out of. I'm stunned enough to where I can't speak.

I look past my fuming mother to see a terrified-looking Richard Grayson peeking his head out of the doorway.

"Hey Cora." He says awkwardly. He waves to me a little and I dumbly wave back. I think that this is what true shock feels like.

"He says he knows you. Do you know him? Huh?!" She accuses. I feel a hand on the small of my back, snapping me from my stupor.

"Yes! I, um. Can you just, explain, um, what just happened? To you?" I say, my mouth isn't forming the words I need to say in the way I need to say them.

"What just happened?" She hisses. "What just happened was a strange man came out of a glowing closet that is conveniently in the same house as my DAUGHTER! CORA ARE THERE ANY OTHER STRANGE PEOPLE IN MY CLOSETS?!" I shrink back into the person behind me. I think it's Damian but I can't think well right now.

What is happening right now? Why was Dick coming out of my mom's closet? Why was my mom unpacking in the guest bedroom? So many questions assault my brain, enough to make everything muscle together.

"Mom, no one else is here. I promise. I just- he just- he wasn't- agh this is all so complicated I can't take it anymore!" I say loudly. My head is spinning. I can hear my heartbeat in my ears and my throat is dry.

"Cora?" Dick speaks softly. My eyes snap up to him and I feel my eyes start to fill with burning tears.

"I can't lie anymore. Not to her. Not anymore." I say quietly. I wrap my arms around myself. I can feel everyone staring at me.

"Look. There's a lot to say and not a lot of proof or reason, but I'm going to need you to trust me and for the love of God don't yell at me anymore!" I grit out. I need to take a second to breathe before I can even have this conversation.

"Mrs. Sanchez, I suggest you find somewhere comfortable to sit. I will take this man out of the way for a little while so you and your daughter can talk. I urge you to listen to her when she's ready." Yep, definitely Damian.

I look at him gratefully and he offers me a small smile back. Dick leaves the room, follows Damian down the stairs, and then they're out of sight. I look at my mom square in the face.

"Let's go sit on the bed okay? It's a long story." I say, feeling tired and nervous. My mom silently follows me into the guest room. We sit next to each other, but it feels like she's on the other end of a video call.

"Cora, sweetie tell me what's going on." She pleads. I look at her with tears still cooling in my eyes.

"It started roughly a month ago." I begin. "I was just in the graveyard writing stories and then, I can barely explain it, but 4 people fell on me. They fell from a portal that came from a different universe." I explain slowly.

"Cora that sounds ridiculous. Honey, if you were having a party I'd rather you just tell me." My mom says. I feel a small surge of annoyance flare through me. I'm trying to tell the truth.

"I know how it sounds. But you also just saw a portal with your own eyes. It's right there!" I say loudly, gesturing to the closet. The doors have been closed and the light is gone, but I know it's there.

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