Tying Up Loose Ends

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"So what's he like? When he's not with Cora I mean." Mrs. Sanchez asks. I debate over being blunt or trying to make it seem less bad.

"Oh, he's a little shit. He's the most entitled brat I've ever met and he knows it. Not to mention the boy still has anger issues after like 2 years of anger management. The whole vigilante thing probably doesn't help." Jason says damningly.

I give him a look of annoyed surprise and he just shrugs with a grin. I sigh with a shake of my head.

"Okay, your not entirely wrong but he's not that bad. I mean, he can be a little arrogant but he's still a hero. B wouldn't have let him out on the field if he didn't prove himself somewhat." I defend.

"By B do you mean Bruce or Batman?" Mrs. Sanchez asks. Jason smirks.

"I mean Bitch when I say it." He says. He's going to make this very hard, isn't he?

"I use it for both." I amend.

"Right. Because Bruce and Batman are the same person. And from the same universe you came from. That one, that one is taking me a minute." She says with a pinch to her temples.

"Anyways, are you sure he's right for my girl?" She asks worriedly. We messed up.

"Tator Tot may be angry, bratty, and sometimes just downright mean. But he loves your daughter. He's different around her. I don't think I've ever seen him as happy and at peace as when they're together." Jason explains. I'm a little touched.

"Aww, Jay you do care about him." I tease. He scowls.

"I care about Cora. He makes her happy. When we were all unaware and useless, he stepped up. None of us know how to help her like he does. And believe me, that pains me to admit." He bites.

"What do you mean? What happened?" Mrs. Sanchez asks. The curses flowing through my head would make a sailor blush.

"Oh. Well, um. We had a gala, and I guess Cora must have gotten a bit overwhelmed. She went for a walk and then Damian got worried so he went to go find her." I start nervously.

"When he found her she was in the middle of some kind of mental breakdown. I won't lie, your daughter is terrifying when she's angry. None of us even knew what was going on. Except Demo- Damian." Jason says regretfully.

"He got her to calm down after she had what I assume is a panic attack. Then they had a kind of cliche romantic moment where the confess how they feel and kiss under the moonlight. It's was truly a sweet scene." I recount.

Cora's mom looks at us blankly. After having told her that, I'm surprisingly worried. She could always recind her deal to let Cora stay with us.

"Let me get this straight. My daughter had a mental breakdown." She states.

"Yes." I reply.

"And the only one who could help her was the child with anger issues and a superiority complex?" She says tightly.

"I mean he's more than his negative traits but yes," I say.

"Ooooohhhhh this is not what I signed up for when I had her. This is not the motherhood I had planned." She says in a tired hiss. She speaks more to herself than to us.

"Yeah, what was your plan?" I question. It couldn't have been this.

"I didn't have one. I was a scared kid, and I got knocked up by the son of a wealthy businessman. The plan was to raise her as best as I could." She admits, not an ounce of remorse.

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