Breaking Point

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Tonight is the night. The night of the gala has arrived. A night of fancy dresses and classical music. 

I've only been to galas when my parents brought me along. I'm hoping this gala has fewer condescending adults and better music. I haven't seen the guest list, not that I would know who anyone is regardless, so I don't know if anyone my age will be there.

 I'll know one person at least, seeing as Damian Wayne is going to be my date. The whole point of having this event is to officially present me to Gotham as Damian's girlfriend. I just don't know how I'm supposed to do this with a straight face.

I spend some time fretting over everything that could possibly go wrong tonight while brushing eyeshadow onto my eyelids. I wipe off the lip stain even as several scenes of tripping on my own feet and saying something stupid flash through my mind.

I carefully apply my eyeliner until I have two even points. Several bored nights have left me with plenty of practice. I don't have any blemishes that I'd want to cover, and I'm grateful to Youtube for teaching me what a skincare routine is. Now comes the final item I need for tonight.

The dress. 

It's gorgeous. It fits me comfortably and I feel great in it. It's a rich green that compliments my skin color nicely.

I think the best part, however, is Damian's reaction. When he first saw me in it he paused, and I could have sworn he was flustered. That could have just been me, though. I was certainly not expecting to have him look at me like he did. 

His eyes widened, and his lips parted ever so slightly. His tan cheeks turned darker, and he had this look in his eyes that I don't think I could ever describe. Still, it's an expression I will forever keep cemented in my mind's eye.

I fiddle with my earrings and adjust my necklace, and now my makeup is done. I eventually gain the courage to walk over to the closet where I've hung the dress. I pull it off the hanger slowly, reverently.

I change into it gently, cautiously. I'm afraid of wrecking it somehow. Despite my typically poor luck, I manage to fit it against me without incident.

I check how I look in the full-length mirror behind the door. I smooth it down in a couple of places feeling, much more confident than I did before I put it on. I grab the pair of shoes that Mr. Pennyworth ended up picking up for me. They match perfectly and the heel isn't too high, so my stride looks more confident than I feel.

With one last look in the mirror, taking a couple of test steps in the shoes, I feel satisfied with how I look. I can only hope that Damian will be too, he is my date after all.

I walk nervously out of my room, no one is in the hallway and I breathe a sigh of relief. I still need a moment to work up my courage.

Lucky for me, I get that moment. I walk in a different direction than normal down the hallway. I haven't been to this part of the manor before. I'm just following the quick directions I was given at dinner and the sound of string instruments. 

I creep down a set of stone stairs. My heels click loudly but the sound is swallowed by the growing music. I take this as a sign I'm getting close.

I spot Damian at the bottom of the twisted staircase. He's on his phone, so he hasn't seen me yet. Regardless, I can't stop staring at him.

His hair is actually gelled this time, I can tell now. His tie matches my dress as we planned, and the way he looks in that suit is going to make it very difficult for me to act as if we're dating. I drift quietly down the steps, drawn as if by magnets.

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