Swirling Minds

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I stare at Cora's computer, coordinates and calculations flashing. A cup of tea now sits beside me, instead of coffee. I suppose it still has caffeine, but not the same effect.

Despite the flashing, and the tea, my mind wanders and drifts, swirling around ideas and emotions. I eventually groan loudly, running a hand through my hair.

A knock sounds at the door, alerting me that I was heard. I stifle another groan, this one of annoyance before I call to enter.

"Hey, Timbo. Whatcha doing?" Jason prompts, a mug of... Oh, thank god that's coffee in his hands.

"Gimme that and I'll tell you." I outstretch my hands, and he hands over the coffee. I drink deeply before speaking at all.

"Coordinates. I figured we were able to get here in a similar way that Zeta tubes work. Same coordinates, different frequency, or maybe it has something to do with the multi-verse theory too. I'm not entirely sure about that." I ramble quickly before taking another gulp.

"Hmm, I'd go with multi-verse." He says, to which I raise a brow. "Roy worked with Arrow, Arrow worked with Flash, Flash fucks with the timelines a lot. Each timeline proves the multi-verse theory. There are probably some weird ones out there. Like, I dunno, me and you dating." He shudders. I do the same.

"If I ever want to date you, shoot me. Shoot me in the face." I demand. He nods.

"If I ever let you, you have full permission to kill me. Again." He smirks. I roll my eyes.

"Prospective horrors aside, multi-verse theory. The Flash uses speed to change the timeline, seeing as a lot of what he does relies on the speed force. So what if, instead of light and matter refraction that the Zeta beams use, we use a variation of speed force?" I question. He takes a seat beside me, looking over the screen.

"How would we harness that much energy of the speed force without a speedster? Or even get it to work the way we want?" He fires back. Again, his knowledge of the subject is new for him, but refreshing.

"And how do the Zeta tubes harness the entirety of someone's matter so perfectly that each cell is put right back where it came from, but on different coordinates?" I question. I pull up blueprints of the cave's Zeta tube on Cora's computer from a hard drive I had in my belt. Thank god for Batman and his backup plans.

"Okay, let's see. This part here seems to be a stabilizer, most likely for the cells to remain as they are in relation to each other. We'll most likely need something like that." I start to mutter. Jason nods beside me.

"And all along here look to be mirrors of some kind, probably how the light and energy gain so much force. Light bouncing around like a shaken pop can." He offers. I nod in agreement.

We sit there, minutes and minutes passing full of muttering. We scan and soundboard off of each other, and I think it's the closest I've gotten to a partner I'm crime since I started as Robin. It's something I didn't realize I missed.

And maybe he feels the same because when I go quiet for longer than a few minutes, my earlier swarming thoughts returning with a vengeance, he pokes my side. I yelp, both at the poke and the sudden contact. He just had to poke the one spot on that rib that I recently broke.

"What's going on in that head of yours? Plans?" He prompts wickedly. I try to shake my thoughts from my head. The shining brown eyes and the happy smile refused to leave my mind's eye.

"Yeah. Mhmm. So many, plans." I agree, most likely too eagerly. He grins.

"Hm. These plans of yours. They must be so interesting, especially the ones about a certain, pretty black-haired waitress?" He looks like the cat that caught the canary, and I feel very much like a canary when I try not to sing.

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