Ciao, Readers!

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Ciao, stupefacente lettrici & lettori!

If you are reading this, thank you. You are being held very close to my heart. This note was written December 16, 2021, so if you're reading this, it's 2022.

I have decided to attempt writing a Chick-Lit story. I understand that Chick-Lits are unpopular and outdated, but that's okay. If this even hits 1,000 reads, I am going to lose my wits.

DISCLAIMER: This book is NOT perfectly edited! There WILL be some mistakes. Because I reread the chapter at least twice before publishing, there should not be any major mistakes.

Below this statement, I will install the temporary summary of this book.

The theme song for this story is Certain Things by James Arthur. Above (in the section above the chapter's title where Wattpad allows pictures and videos to be inserted) you will find the song. I do recommend listening to it. You don't have to like it to understand how three minutes of a song can create a vision in your mind to help understand characters, dialogue, their chemistry, etc..

This story is dedicated to a close friend who enjoys reading cliche stories such as this one, so divertiti!

OK, action!

"Get your disgusting fingers off of me, Adonis," she spat in his face. She struggled to remove his fingers from her waist. Her reluctant spirit shattered as he grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him.

"Do not fight me, Estella." His accented voice was deep and demanding. His dark brown eyes were filled with curiosity.

Estella, the stripper. Adonis, the cliche billionaire. Of course, he would storm into her club and claim her as his own. She reminded him of something rare. He reminded her of something she longed for.

And scene.

Yes. You guessed it! I have written another bilingual story. I feel that it will be a lot more realistic if I involved the culture and history with the language. I normally do not explain my writing methods, but I felt that this would make my book more readable if I issued a warning. (Please review video at the top of the screen where the cover is shown.(kindly swipe left. or right.))

Since I've shone a light on that subject, I will allow you to guess what language this book will be in. Yes, English is the main language. But what's the second? You are also more than welcome to do translations in the comment sections because me putting the translations in parenthesis would ruin the flow. If it becomes unbearable, kindly PM me, and I will (against my will) put the translations in parentheses from then on.

*This is possibly the longest authors notes you guys will receive*

Thank you guys in advance for the support. While you're here, check out my completed book, Criminally Insane.

*Covers, aesthetics, banners, and casts are created/developed by yours truly.*

This idea came off the top of my head hours ago, so follow me on Estella and Adonis's journey. I am an Adella virgin as well. (bare with me on this ship name).

~Do not hesitate to VOTE, COMMENT, and TELL OTHERS! ~

With a shitload of love,

_P.S: All rights are mine. Blah, blah, blah. COPYRIGHT 2021_

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