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parco- a public area in a town

"We should date."

I watched his dark eyebrow arch.

"Are we not doing that now?"

I frowned as I thought about it. We did go on several dates, but I think I was asking for a label.

"You are looking for the officiating title." His tone caused me to smile.

"Yes, sir."

He bit his lip to restrain himself from smiling.

"Adonis," I gasped dramatically. "Do you still have a naming kink?"

"You are still very funny, Estella," he said with an easy smile.

I smiled back.

"I am sure you think we are too old for high school nicknames such as girlfriend and boyfriend."

"I do."

His left eyebrow arched a bit.

"I do believe there are better names," I corrected myself.

He smiled. "We can just be us until we become something better."

"What could be better than us being together?"

"Being my forever."


A smile held hostage on my face. "That was sweet, Adonis," I said in an honest tone.

"Come to Naples with me."

My smile dropped.

When he noticed, he rushed to speak. "It will only be for a week."

"I cannot leave Eva," I insisted.

"She will be taken care of, Ella. Mom will keep her."

My eyes widened at the way he spoke. It was as if he had everything planned ahead of time. "You went behind my back?"

"Cristo, Estella," he groaned in an exasperated tone. I arched my eyebrow and crossed my arms over my chest. "Volevo fare qualcosa di carino per te."

"Mi stai aiutando a prendermi cura di un babino, Adonis."He rolled his eyes because he knew I would say this. "Questo e un aituo sufficiente," I added with an annoyed huff.

"I did not say I was trying to be helpful," he corrected me. "I said I was trying to be nice."

It was my turn to roll my eyes because this was the wrong time to discuss this. "It is the same thing, si?" I asked in an attempt to end the conversation.

"Si." He gave in and hung his shoulders.

I watched him as he stared at the scene in front of us.

Today was the day we were celebrating Mario and Eva's birthday at Esperanza's house. The backyard was filled with kids. It appeared Mario was popular in school. I wasn't surprised and was also pleased he and my daughter had become good friends.

I chuckled when I watched him bite into a burger. The Verettis wanted to give Eva a piece of what she was missing in America. They bought burgers, hotdogs, chips, and other BBQ foods. Mario was more than excited to see what she ate when she lived with her father.

"Radunatevi, tutti!" I shouted as the skies darkened.

All of the kids flocked to me at the same time Esperanza wheeled out a three-layered tiramisu cake.

"Tanti auguri a te, Tanti auguri a te, Tanti auguri a Mar-Eva-" we were cut off by the sound of our laughter and we stammered over who name to call during the song.

"Tanti auguri a te!"

We all cheered as Mr. Veretti picked up the huge knife.

I smiled at the setting in front of me. The sparklers on the cake gave the backyard a golden glow. My daughter was smiling as she and Mario held on to his father's hand while he cut the cake.

This was a picture-perfect moment. This is the part of the movie where the main character viewed everything in slow motion to capture the moment.

Alcina was taking several pictures. The other guests were laughing, taking pictures, or clapping their hands to the music that resumed playing. I looked at Esperanza to see her grinning ear to ear as she squatted in between Eva and Mario. They pressed their cheeks against hers, joy and glee on their young faces.

Eva looked the happiest I'd ever seen her. A huge smile nearly split my face in half when her friend put chocolate on her nose. She squealed which was followed by a wild giggle.

Lastly, my eyes slid to Adonis. He had an expensive camera in one hand as he recorded everything.

Before I could look away, our eyes met. He smiled when he noticed I was already looking at him.

When he stretched his hand out for me to grab, I found myself blushing.

The betrayal of my cheeks made me roll my eyes because I hated the way he made me feel.

I grabbed his hand and shrieked when he pulled me against his body.

"This is picture-perfect," zia Alcina spoke before turning her camera towards us.

"Oh no, I'm not presentable-"

"Nonsense, you beautiful human being," Adonis mumbled before pressing a kiss on my temple.

I grinned at the sudden contact. At that same moment, Alcina snapped a photo.

"You sneaky man," I mumbled sheepishly, attempting to hide my face.

He grabbed my face, and then and there, everyone else faded.

"Bello, bello, bello," I heard Cici shout.

We averted our gaze to the rest of the family.

"Eva, get over here!"

I laughed at Cici's drunken actions. Nevertheless, my daughter joined Adonis and me for a few photos.

"This was the best day ever, mamma", Eva whispered to me in a giddy tone.

I groaned loudly as I picked her up and pressed several kisses against her cheek. "Anything for my baby girl," I whispered back.

She grinned at me before wrapping her arms around my neck. "I love you, mamma."

I loved how she whispered everything to me as if we were keeping a secret away from the world.

Eva reached for Adonis who allowed her to climb his back like a monkey.

Her look of content satisfied my soul. Gazing up at Adonis and she caused me to smile. It was yet another picture-perfect moment.

The family was either recording or taking pictures of me, Adonis, and Eva. Even Mario took his side beside his big brother. Soon, the entire family was in on filming and capturing these perfect moments.

These perfect moments were all I longed for from the time I found out I was pregnant. Although I still found a way to see Daniel in my vision, Adonis was so much better.

I had him, I had my daughter, and I had this incredibly beautiful family. For the first time, I felt like I belonged somewhere. No one was judging my character, my actions, or me. I loved where I found myself.

Finally, I was snapped out of my moment as I remembered the words my daughter told me.

"I love you so much more, my sweet Eva."

Author's Note:
This chapter was kind of cute. Should she go to Naples with Adonis? I'm sure Eva wouldn't mind!


The next update is coming soon!

(This was prewritten February 28, 2022)


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