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fidanzata- a female companion who has a romantic relationship with another person.

"Before we begin, Estella, I would like to warn you that while everything in this room is confidential, we must document it to build your case," Mr. Veretti spoke to me.

I looked at Adonis who nodded his head.

His entire aura had changed since his father walked into the room.

He was serious, dismissive, and too protective at the same time. He kept a hand on my knee under the table as his body remained tense.

"Non sara un problema," I said smoothly.

(Translation: That won't be a problem.)

"We also ask that you refrain from speaking in your native tongue. These are our interns from America. They will take over your case after you and I build it."

I frowned in confusion. "I thought you were taking over?"

I did not know if I could trust people who were learning the law to help me get my daughter back.

"They answer to me if anything goes wrong. I can assure you are in good hands."

I did not know why, but everything about him made me feel uneasy. I was finding it hard to trust him. Since I knew nothing about him, I tried not to judge him.

Adonis wasn't helping in the area.

His smile was sly, his eyes were mischievous, and he acted as if he knew something about me that I didn't tell him. I had no idea why the brothers trusted him with my problems.

When I didn't speak, he opened my folder, read, and then closed it.

"We have a very strong argument," he spoke as he looked me in the eyes. "If you can prove he did it."

"Scusi?" I asked.

"Ms. Macáno," Mr. Veretti began speaking as he took his glasses off. "The court is based on two things; the truth with proof, or the lie with better proof-"

"I went to the hospital for third-degree burns," I cut in. "You are the lawyer. You contact the doctors at Opsedale and get them to give you my records."

I was angry at him because it seemed like he was trying to make me look stupid in front of everyone by accusing me of lying about how I got the wounds.

He looked at me for a moment before giving me an innocent smile. "We just needed your permission. That is all I was saying."

I gave him a fake smile and rolled my eyes before turning my gaze to Adonis. "Possiamo partire?"

(Translation: Can we leave?)

He sighed and shook his head. "Mi dispiace ma no."

(Translation: I'm sorry, but no.)

I huffed and returned my attention to Mr. Veretti. "How soon can I have my daughter?" I asked him.

"It depends on how cooperative the father will be. You two can share custody without ever going to court, or you can file for full custody in court."

"Since Daniel has cut you out of their lives, I can only imagine that he doesn't want you near her. Why?" Stefano asks.

"It was less of him and more of his family," I said. "He never wanted her, but they were aware that Eva was the result of their sons' assault. Because of her, they wanted to be good Christians to ease their mind. She was the result of an assault. It was because of that, they wanted nothing to do with me. They blamed me for not willingly sleeping with Daniel. They said that I had led him on for too long. For the first three years of Eva's life, I had no contact with them. I still have messages of me texting Daniel about needing food, bills being paid, and things of that nature. He told me that since I refused to move to America, I could raise her by myself.

All of a sudden Daniel is accusing me of being an unfit mother because we lived in a trailer on the southern side of Calabria. He said that she needed something better. His mother threatened to take me to court because she knew that I would not be able to afford it. I was young at the time, so I did not understand that if I could prove that he sexually assaulted me and abused me multiple times, I could win the case. I also could not afford to raise her. The entire situation discouraged me. I wanted her to have a life that only Daniel could provide. After she was taken, I got cut off." I explained.

The interns looked at me with sympathy in their eyes.

Stefano looked down.

"Ms. Macano, if we were to contact Opsedale, what would we find?"

I looked at Mr. Veretti. "Several unpaid medical bills from a dozen fractured ribs, sprained wrists, and other contusions."

"Mio Dio," Stefano mumbled as he exhaled deeply.

"You are a part of our family now, yes?" Mr. Veretti asked me.

"Scusi, what?" I asked him.

"Any friend of my children is a friend to me."

I frowned and looked at Adonis before looking back at Mr. Veretti. "I, uh..?"

"The Veretti family takes care of their own," he said.

I let out a dry laugh as my eyebrows creased in confusion. "I'm sorry?"

The dark look came back to his face. "I apologize for everything Daniel put you through," he said. "You are not only beautiful but strong as well. I will not stop until your daughter is here in Italy with you. It will not be hard."

"What are you saying?" I asked him.


I looked at Adonis to see his face stone cold. Honestly, it scared me. I did not think his body would allow him to be so harsh to another human being.

After he and his father did a heated stare-down, Mr. Veretti stood up and grabbed my file. "Call Opsedale and see what we can find on Macáno on behalf of the Verettis," he told one of his interns.

"Sam, you will write a donation to the wing they are building when the head doctor agrees to either hand over the documents or testify in court."

They were going to bribe the hospital? Isn't that illegal?

I opened my mouth to object, but Stefano stood up. "I will draw up the custody request papers and send them to Daniel and his family. If he does not respond within a week, we show up on his doorstep."

"He lives in the States," I said, sitting up in my seat.

Adonis was the last to stand. "I will get her the passport." He was reluctant.

Everything was happening incredibly fast. People were speaking over each other and the entire room became busy.

Adonis looked at me.

I am not going to leave you, Stella.

I sat in my seat in pure stupefaction.

The Veretti family takes care of each other.

What the hell is happening?

Author's Note:

Fun fact- this took less than an hour to write. Not that anyone asked. I'm sure you can tell by the numerous grammar errors and mistakes.

Honestly, what is happening in this story so far? Someone help me understand. I think I'm just writing.


(Prewritten December 23, 2021)


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