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luci- electromagnetic radiation which is visible to the human eye.

"C'e una prenotazione sotto Veretti?"

"Si, proprio da questa parte, signora."

I followed the host.

Gaia agreed to watch Eva tonight. The entire ride over here was filled with them discussing which pizza they were going to cook for dinner.

I smiled at the thought of Eva getting along with the people in my life. I figured I may as well think of Gaia as a friend now. We started rough, but she was a good person.

Apparently, Adonis reserved a table at this fancy restaurant called Contrasté. Gaia nearly fainted when she saw my confirmation email. I had no idea what was going on.

"Do you know how hard it is to get a seat in this restaurant?!" she practically shouted as she did my makeup.

I didn't know how to feel because I'd never heard of the place before.

Looking at it now made everything make sense. It was completely out of my tax bracket! The restaurant was lit in a golden light which created a peaceful atmosphere.

There was classical music in the background. I looked around as the sound of soft conversations and cutlery clinking against dishes filled my ears. It was truly beautiful in here.

"Proprio dietro quelle porte," the host said before bowing and walking off.

I stood in bewilderment. "Um..."

I pushed open the heavy, black doors.

It was another room. An empty room.

I was about to walk back out when I heard a door close and the sound of Adonis's voice.


I slowly turned around.

He was dressed in a black tuxedo that fitted his body perfectly. His tie and handkerchief were dark brown, and they matched my dress. His hair was slicked back as it was the first night we met.

Gaia picked a short, dark brown dress that was made of silk. The neckline hung in the front, revealing a little cleavage. She even did my hair in loose curls. After we spent half an hour arguing over makeup, I finally agreed to let her do it. I hadn't worn makeup since I stopped dancing.

She did a natural look with dark brown eyeshadow and a nude lip. I had never done natural looks on myself. My costumes wouldn't allow it.

"Adonis," I exhaled once my mind stopped fangirling over him.

"Pensavo che non ti saresti fatto vivo per un second." Was that relief I heard?

"Why wouldn't I show?" I asked in confusion.

"You're an hour late."

Fuck, Gaia.

"You waited an hour for me?" I asked.

"Don't give me that look, Ella," he spoke softly with a small smile.

I frowned. "What look?"

"You know the look you do," he said. "Your eyes get big and you do the little pout." He traced his thumb over my bottom lip as I stared into his eyes. I couldn't read them. Had I finally damaged him?

"I missed you today, Adonis," I admitted quietly.

"Christ, you're so beautiful," he whispered before kissing me.

Stella (Book One of Dark Souls Series)Where stories live. Discover now