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nozze- a ceremony for holy matrimony.

"Stella, I fucked up."

What an outstanding way to start the conversation!

Passerbyers in the ballroom were probably thinking we left in a rush to find a babysitter for the night while we fucked our brains out in pre-honeymoon bliss. Instead, we came home, spent time with Eva until she was ready for bed, and stood in our bedroom in our nightwear in complete silence.

Instead of turning this into an argument by yelling at him, I decided to soften my voice and attempt to hear him out.

"What did you do?" I played into this conversation.

"Three years ago, I was sure I'd be Italy's bachelor for the rest of my life. Father made me make a deal with him, and I seem to have played right into his hands."

Ah! He was reminding me of his glorious fuckboy days.

"What was the deal you made with your father?" I asked through gritted teeth and a false smile.

"If I married and made a family, I would have to take over my father's business."

I released a laugh and waved my hand dismissively. "So, you'll be a lawyer. You'll be amazing at it."

There was no need to deliver this news so dramatically. 

Adonis's face never changed from its serious expression, and a hint of fear was in his eyes. "Not Veretti Law or the power company," he replied slowly, taking cautious steps towards me.

My eyes widened when I realized what he was saying. "No."

"Father is highly against women running the Mafia," he explained. "I don't want my sister going down for crimes he's committed, so I agreed that once I married and produced an heir, I would take the title from Luna."

"It's the twenty-first century! Women can be whatever they want!" I snapped. "Luna wants to be Don, not you!"

"She also has a bigger family than I-"

"Oh yes! Marry me, put a baby in me, and then leave me home all day while you partake in illegal activities, El Chapo," I retorted sarcastically to make him see how much of a contradiction he was. "God forbid Daniel actually comes after you and exposes the entire cartel. What then? You would go to prison, leaving me with children and conjugal cell visits."


"Tell him you changed your mind and can't do it. Tell him your wife doesn't easily oblige to manipulation."

His father helped me get my daughter back and allowed Adonis and me to get closer just because it benefitted him. All this time, I thought Adonis was being a spoiled brat to his very generous father, but he did know him better than I. Why didn't he tell me about this sooner?

"I signed a contract, Stells."

I smacked my forehead and groaned before turning away from him. "You signed a contract," I echoed, my voice void of emotion.

Fucking Verettis.

"The only way this doesn't happen is if we don't get married."

"I refuse to play house with you, Adonis," I told him with my back still to him. I was facing the terrace to hide the tears forming in my eyes. Every time I thought we were progressing, something was there to set us back ten steps. "Till death do us part doesn't apply to us yet, so there is no need for either of us to feel obligated to this problem."

Stella (Book One of Dark Souls Series)Where stories live. Discover now