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gino- an alcoholic beverage that is made fermented grape juice.

"Sir, she has arrived." I heard the voice at the same time I heard the grand doors open.

I put the menu down and stood up, nervously fixing my suit jacket.

"You have a lint ball on your handkerchief pocket," Fabio, the chef, told me.

"Cazzo," I mumbled, trying to fix myself. I narrowed my eyes at him when I noticed I was fine.

Without looking at me, he chuckled. The amusement was clear on his face which made me smile.

At that same time, Stella walked into the part of the restaurant I reserved for us. Another smile instantly found its way onto my face with ease.

"You undersold her," Fabio said in a voice low enough for her approaching ears to not hear.

I laughed as his words of approval warmed my heart.

Fabio was another old friend of mine. When I was little, he was the butler at the Veretti Estate. I bought this building the minute I paid back my first loan to my mother. Arnolfo Restaurant quickly became a booming success once people noticed my family ate here whenever we visited the countryside.

Before I solidified my intention on marrying Stella, I sought the approval of the people in my life that I cared about. We earned Grifdor's blessing the night we ate at Contrasté.

She adored her and even went as far as to say that she had a bubbly personality. I remember being shocked because the Stella she met was not the one I met. Rather she acknowledged it or not, my girl was positively changing, and I was proud of her.

Right now, I was in a trance that she put me in. Stella was the epitome of beauty. Her steps toward me were graceful, yet confident.

She wore a figure-hugging, knee-length dress with a low neckline that revealed her cleavage and side boobs. Her hair flowed past her waist, and I noticed that she left it straight which was how I liked it. The red lipstick that matched her dress was a bold claim to the thought I had minutes ago about her confidence.

Her smile brightened my mood even more. I held my hands out, and she happily grabbed them.

"You let Queen give you a manicure," I noticed when I saw her nails. The diamonds sparkled under the dim lights in the room.

"Did I have a choice?" she teased, knowing I told Queen not to leave that house until Stella's hair, makeup, and nails were done.

"I guess not," I answered, amused.

"I did not want my makeup done, so I hope the nails are enough. I got my toes done too!"

I looked down to see her toes decorated with the French nail design.

"You do not need makeup to be beautiful. And you look incredibly wonderful tonight," I responded, pulling her closer to me.

"For a second, you were speechless and that made me nervous," she said with light laughter.

I smiled. "I was only saving a mental picture," I quoted myself from earlier in the day.

The light coat of blush on her cheeks made my smile turn into a smirk.

"Must you always try to talk yourself into my panties when we are on dates?" she asked, hitting my chest playfully.

I chuckled and leaned in, dipping my head so that my lips were against her ear. "If we were completely honest right now, there is not much talking I would have to do to get into your panties. Right?"

Stella (Book One of Dark Souls Series)Where stories live. Discover now