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Parco divertimenti- a large outdoor area with rides and fun activities

"I don't really understand this, mamma," Eva said with a frown on her face.

"That makes two of us, baby."

"Who wants to put a ball into a hole?"

I laughed at my daughter's confused face. "You said you wanted to do this!"

"Well, I don't any more!"

To celebrate the Elite Emerald's first winning competition, all of the dance moms decided to come together and take the girls to the amusement park.

Of course, I drug Adonis along. It came to my knowledge that he had no friends. We came to the understanding that Axel and Gaia were labeled as "family" over "friends", so I found it sad that the man had no one to hang out with when he had free time. Then again, when did he have free time?"

He worked five days a week and worked from home on the weekends. When he wasn't spending time with Eva and me, he was at the gym. His entire life rotated around his work and his family.

When we arrived at the park, we immediately split. The moms took the daughters, and the dads went their way. I hadn't seen or heard from Adonis in over four hours.

Eva wanted to try golf before we left, and now she deeply hated it.

"I don't see why daddy does this every weekend."

So, he was serious about the American Dream.

She struck at the ball again and missed the hole.

I couldn't help but find her tantrums amusing. Eva was very headstrong about learning how to play the game. She hit the ball too hard, too slow, or missed altogether. Nevertheless, she kept trying.

My daughter was the same way in school and the studio. Yesterday, I learned she was top of her class. Her teacher, Mrs. Ingrid, informed me that if she kept performing this way, she would be top of her grade by the end of the year.

To celebrate her academic success and her solo competition win, I took her shopping. Outside of dance, I noticed she loved fashion. We were supposed to have a sleepover Thursday night, but Adonis and I spent the night consoling and comforting each other.

We watched I, Don Giovanni, and cuddled. He laid in between my legs with his head on my stomach, which made the familiar heat return.
When I finally got the guts to say something, I noticed that he was fast asleep.

"Are you ready to give up?" I asked my daughter.

She let her shoulders drop as she pouted. "Yeah. I need a nap."

I knew my eyebrow was raised at her adult-sounding answer. "You wish to leave the park and go home?"

"Yes. Nonna Bel said I could go to church with her and Zia Cici tomorrow."

I am so glad Isabel never told me she was planning on taking my child to church. Religion was not something I discussed.

"It is only four. Are you sure?"

Stella (Book One of Dark Souls Series)Where stories live. Discover now