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orrizonte- an outline or view near the horizon

"Wait, so he left you by yourself?"

I nodded as I applied another layer of nude lipstick on my lips. "We agreed it would be best."

"Do you even know where you are going?"

I shook my head and pursed my lips, trying to give my best "model face."

My screen started flashing which meant Gaia was taking pictures of me on Facetime. I instantly ducked out of the camera.

"Oh andiamo!" my friend protested in a whiny tone.

"You know I do not like pictures," I mumbled with a pout.

"Well, you look beautiful. He isn't going to be able to keep his hands off of you."

I blushed because those were the famous last words she spoke the last time Adonis and I went on a date.

I remember him teasing me the entire dinner, and even sat next to me to tease me further. At the time, we were still friends, but we decided to be responsible adults and give in to the fact that we found each other attractive.

"I hope his driver knows where he's going. The last time, I was late," I commented, throwing one last shot at Gaia who was the reason I was late the last time he and I went on a date.

"The past is the past for a reason," she replied, waving off my response. I laughed and shook my head. 

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

"You think that's the driver?" Gaia asked me. I nodded and grabbed my phone, taking our call all the way to the front door of Adonis's cottage-like home.

"Ciao," I greeted the tall, dark man politely. He was a foot taller than me with dark sunglasses and an ear piece in his ear. His suit reminded me of secret service, and I cringed at how seriously Adonis took my protection.

We made it to Tuscany at almost two o'clock. After he unpacked our belongings, he claimed to have work things he needed to get out the way.

He told me Gaia picked out an outfit for me to wear, and promised to take me out for dinner to make up for the fact that he was missing out on my birthday. He's been gone for the past four hours, and now, as promised, a guard has shown up to our doorstep to take me wherever I was supposed to be going for dinner.

The man nodded in response. "Il viaggio dura mezz'ora, quindi dovremmo partire ora."

"Devo prendere la mia borsa," I responded before opening the door wider so that he could come in.

"Questo è quanto posso andare."

I frowned. "I give you permission to come in-"

"It's one of Adonis's rules," Gaia joined the conversation from the other end of the phone.

"He's just waiting for me to get my purse. I don't understand-"

"Don't overthink it," she interrupted.

I blew raspberries with my lips and rolled my eyes. "Torno subito."

Stella (Book One of Dark Souls Series)Where stories live. Discover now