Frutti di Mare

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Amica- someone who shares a mutual bond with you.

"Can you park here?"


The car slowed down.

I heard Eva stirring in her sleep. I glanced at her in the rearview mirror to see she was still sleeping.

"I am sure she will be fine until you get back."

I gave Adonis a small smile before getting out of the car.

I walked up to the small red trailer. The place looked like it remained untouched. When I twisted the doorknob, the door opened with a quiet squeak.

I could smell the musty air before walking in. I flicked on the switch, and I heard the lightbulb buzz before it flickered on.

The trailer was just as I left it. The pale yellow wallpaper was dusty and peeling. The carpeted floor was dingy, and the coffee table had the same magazines I left three years ago.

I walked down the slim hallway and into Eva and I's room.

"Mettila sul letto, idiota."

"NO!" I screamed as I tried to fight against the strong grip around my wrist. The man pushed me down on the bed.

"Piegati cagna."

I tried to punch the man in his chest. "Scendi! Per favore."

I felt him force my body, and soon I was lying on my stomach. His friend put his hands on the back of my neck, holding me down so I couldn't move my head.

"Lei e rumorosa." I heard the men laugh. "Falla soffrire, Lorenzo."

I cried and screamed as I tried to get from under the two men.


I gasped and turned around. I noticed that I blanked out into my own world.

I choked back a sob when I saw Adonis's tall figure standing at the doorway of our room.

"Vieni qui, baby."

I ran to him, throwing my arms around his waist.

He rubbed my back as the memories of Lorenzo and his friends getting their fill invaded my mind.

"Eva is still in the car sleeping," I heard him say. "She was still asleep, so I did not want to wake her."

I nodded against his chest, and he tightened his grip around me. I felt his chin rest on top of my forehead.

"They will never hurt you again," he whispered before kissing my forehead. "Non verserai piu lacrime su di loro."

I nodded and allowed him to wipe away my tears. "I'm sorry I'm taking so long, I just-"

"Do not apologize, Stella," he said as he gently held my face in his hands.

I knew my eyes were bloodshot as I looked up at him. "We still have to stop by Gio's house."

"Have you heard from him?" he asked me.

I shook my head. The last I heard about him was in Tuscany. Rosa was telling me he hadn't come to work since I left.

"Let's get what you need," Adonis said. "Hopefully, he's not home."

I frowned as I walked over to my closet.

"We're not going to hurt him," I said quietly as I pulled a piece of floor up.

I saw my small pink box under the pile of dust and cobwebs and pulled it from the floorboard.

Stella (Book One of Dark Souls Series)Where stories live. Discover now