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cavella- a plant-eating, domesticated mammal with solid hoofs and a flowing mane and tail

"Thank you so much, Mr. Veretti. No one has ever done the things you have done for our city."

I politely smiled at the woman. "I am only sorry for not reporting here earlier."

That statement was only half true. The only reason I stayed in Naples for so long was that I was dodging my problem in Milan. I hadn't heard from that problem in over three weeks. The business trips seemed to have come up at the right time. It was only supposed to be a few days, but I found ways to extend it into a month.

"Nevertheless, we are honored," she insisted as she ushered me outside the small home.

Today, I realized there was nothing else to do here. It was time for my partnering business, Hanse Incorporacion, to take over. The Hanse and Veretti Inc. collaboration has been the talk of Campania for a while. Everyone was excited to see what good deeds we would do with the trashy town.

Upon my arrival, I was tackled by paparazzi and people trying to network. I made sure to handle my business with Naples before I indulged in any extra work.

I was here to clean up the city. Hanse Incorporacion was bringing a team to install better electrical equipment, housing, water, and jobs. Naples was known for its corrupt political system and gang takeover. As a result, the city suffered in the worst ways possible. A third of the population lacked employment. The streets were filled with waste, and kids walked around on the hot ground with no shoes.

My last job was to have a team of garbagemen remove all of the trash and toxic waste. Hanse Inc. was going to have the water cleaned and filtered. Unfortunately, the team was huge so it did not take long to rid this city of its horrible stench. That meant I was on my way back to Milan in time for Eva's competition. Three weeks ago, I told her I didn't know if I would make it.

One reason was that I didn't know how much work I had to do here. Another reason was my cowardice. I didn't want to face Estella. When I first met her, my biggest fear was that she would find me undesirable and hate me for it. I knew she did not find me undesirable, but maybe she finally hated me.

The look on her face before she walked out of my office three weeks ago broke me. She knew my heart was in her hands, yet she handled it so recklessly.

I did not see how she could hate me for avenging her. I knew she wouldn't go as far as did in killing someone, but I thought she would understand my actions. My actions were for her.

What I didn't know was that she would punch me. The bruise had only completely healed a week ago. I knew I'd hit a sensitive part of her with my low blow, but that was only because her lack of understanding angered me. People do rash things when angry. Our present situation was why I always made sure to shut an argument down before it started.

Sometimes, I would let her have her way because she had valid points. The majority of the time, she let me have my way because I thought more rational than her.

"Sir, your limousine for Teatro Alla Scala has arrived."

I looked around me to see that I'd zoned out.

"Go fix your problems," Ms. Montini told me. "I know there were supposed to be two of you on this trip."

I hugged the middle-aged woman. "I will."

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