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eredita- an amount of money or property that is left in someone's will.

I lost Adonis the moment we stepped into this huge ballroom-like building.

Once I was done bathing and getting myself ready, I found Adonis sitting on the couch in the living room. My breath hitched in my throat at the sight of him.

Fuck. Me. 

He was texting on his phone, oblivious of my sudden presence. His hair was slicked back which was rare. The top buttons of his black button-down shirt were undone, exposing some of the hair on his chest. He wore suspenders, but his usual blazer was absent. A mouthwatering devil, he was. I noticed that we were matching, which never happened unless something important was happening. We matched clothes when we were going on dates and to very public events where cameras would be. Would cameras be following us tonight?

When he looked up, his eyes instantly met mine and widened. I blushed at the slight surprise he tried to mask after he noticed that I noticed. "You look-"


"Good enough to eat."

He sat up, leaning forward as he stood. "Designer is your second skin," he muttered, running his fingers down my arm.

Today, I opted out of a dress. I pulled one of his cards and picked out a striped, dark green and black, three-piece tuxedo. Like Adonis's undershirt, mine was black. Since it was supposed to rain, I wore a tilted black headpiece and planned to bring one of those dramatic, English umbrellas. Since I looked and felt so beautiful tonight, I secretly thanked him for being my stylist.

"Thank you, Adonis," I responded with a modest bow. When I stood straight again, he put his hands on my waist and closed the space between us. I inhaled the musky, sandalwood scent.

Fuck. Me.


It was one of my favorite colognes from his unhealthy collection of scents. He knew that.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" I asked with a small smile.

He brought his bottom lip between his lips in a way that was far too attractive. "Is it working?"

"We're going to be late for dinner," I muttered breathlessly, spinning out of his hold.

"You will not run from me forever."

I froze at the words I heard him mumble as I walked past him. When I turned to face him, he was grabbing an umbrella and a set of keys. I don't think I was supposed to hear that, which made it all the more enticing and intimidating.

When he looked up at me, his jaw clenched before a sinful smirk settled on those perfect, full lips of his.

Fuck. Me.

"Let's go," he said, his lingering eyes taking their time with me. I believed he was trying to make me go mad.

Now that I was alone in this huge building filled with people, I believed he wanted to make me mad. 

People were conversing with one another, a photographer was taking various pictures of whatever this event was supposed to be, and the energy in the air was giddy.


I turned around to see Luna approaching me with a blank face.

Stella (Book One of Dark Souls Series)Where stories live. Discover now