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musica lirica- when actors sing their show

Before the show began, I saw Eva's eyes flicker about the room from behind the curtains. When her eyes found mine, I shook my head.

"Would she look this disappointed if you were unable to make it?" Gaia whispered from beside me. I smiled and shook my head.

"No. I swear she loves that man."

She laughed as the lights dimmed and the show started.

First up were the American Dolls. They were doing a contemporary dance to Lacrimosa. That song was an original piece by Mozart. I could tell this was the American's way of seeking the approval of us "foreigners" whom they held captive in their country. Lacrimosa was known to be a Catholic prayer. Most Europeans practiced the Catholic Church religions.

Next, a blonde girl pridefully sauntered onstage to do her solo. She was a fourth-year winner of the solo competition. If I held such a title, I would probably be cocky about my talent too.

When the mistress of the ceremony asked her what inspired her to choose the song and dance, she shrugged.

"It just speaks to me," she responded dramatically. Her voice indicated that she was trying to make her answer deeper than what it was.

I and Gaia looked at each other at the same time and laughed at the mistress's facial expression.

Even though Eva was new to her group, her new friends chose her to do the solo dance this year. For the past few weeks, Jilian and I worked with her on her group routine.

Being a dance mom was exciting for me. I got to talk to the other moms, and sometimes Gaia came with me. We would all go to lunch and gossip about the American team that was traveling here for the competition.

This was Jilian's first year as a dance instructor. I knew she felt pressured to prove to everyone that she was more than the best prima ballerina in the country.

It was the cockiness of the American Dolls that lead her to give in and say "yes" to the battle. When they found out she was stepping down as a dancer to be a dance instructor, they wanted to shatter her dreams by destroying her in a dance battle.

I felt like it was an act of cowardice. I saw how talented Jilian Trulani was, and I knew she would be a threat if she trained other children. I was sure she had the power to wipe the snobby white girls off the map if she taught her talent.

Deep down, Pamela Watson knew it too. That was why she was so eager to sign her girls up against the new team, the Elite Emeralds.

"Why do white people feel the need to exploit their wealth?" Gaia mumbled in my ear as the blonde girl continued to dance to a contemporary pop song.

My eyes followed my friend's, and we saw a woman airing herself with a fan made from diamonds.

I cringed at the awful taste the elderly woman had.

"That is an insult to the Chinese culture," I whispered back.

She tittered in her seat and covered her mouth from laughing any louder. This woman would not be the ideal woman to attend a funeral with.

Gaia and I became even closer in the absence of Adonis. When she asked about us, I only told her that we needed space. Thankfully, she did not press the matter.

Tonight, she came over to do my makeup and dress me up. To match the name of our dance team, she dressed me in a long, emerald green gown. The gown was strapless and made from shantung silk. Because I felt uncomfortable in form-fitting clothes, the semi-stiff, princess-styled skirting was perfect.

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