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sedia- a piece of furniture you can sit in or on.

The sound of something slamming on the table jolted me out of my trance.

I looked up to see Adonis placing his briefcase down and pointing to the stacks of paper he'd thrown in front of me. "Fill that out."

University of Milan

"What is this?" I asked him as I scanned through the papers. I knew what it was.

"What does it look like?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "It looks like you are putting me through financial debt."

"With a few grants and scholarships, you could pull this off."


"Yes, baby?" He purposefully cut me off with no intention of saying anything important. He often did that when he wanted me to know that arguing with him would be useless.

He sat down across from me and grabbed my hands.

My nose was starting to burn. "Non piangere, piccola," he mumbled.

I rolled my eyes before wiping them. "You are an asshole for making me."

"I want you to be your best self, Stella."

We'd been home for almost a week. After I couldn't get in touch with Daniel, I decided to start planning Eva a more permanent stay here in Italy.

I enrolled her in St. Louis Academy. It was the best institution in Milan, and Esperanza and Luna's children attended. She was excited to meet her new teachers next week.

In the meantime, Adonis was taking her to different ballet schools. None of them were taking new students right now, so they were still looking.

We took her back-to-school shopping, and he bought her everything she asked for. I told him it was not good to spoil her so much. I wanted her to have everything I didn't, but I didn't want her to turn into one of those kids. I also wanted to be the one who provided her with the things she wanted.

She'd only been here a month, so we decided it was past the time to lay out our boundaries, rules, and everything.

"Torna da me, Stella."

I pulled myself out of my daze and looked at him. "Sorry," I said with a bashful smile.

"You can get started on this while I make dinner," Adonis told me as he stood up and grabbed his briefcase. "Eva should be home soon." He kissed my forehead before walking out of the kitchen.

I nodded as I grabbed a pen and opened the packet. After reading the easy questions, I began feeling out the forms. They were basic questions such as name, birthday, high school, etc.

I paused when I made it to the legal guardian part. The orphanage I resided at took care of all of my paperwork for school. I never knew my parents, and when I turned sixteen, I was thrown out of the orphanage. I stayed with Daniel's parents my senior year of high school, and then I found the trailer.

"Adonis," I shouted from the kitchen.

"Cosa vuoi, donna?" I heard him call back.

"I need help."

I listened to the silence for several seconds before he made an appearance into the room. "What's up?" I leaned back in my seat as he stood behind me and placed his chin on my shoulder.

Stella (Book One of Dark Souls Series)Where stories live. Discover now