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romanzo- a work of narrative fiction

The last two weeks have consisted of us needing some incredible acting skills. It also consisted of me hiding in the penthouse to avoid every media outlet ever created.

Once we realized Christian Veretti had seen everything from arguments to intimate moments, we reframed from doing anything. I was disgusted, but I didn't want to make matters worst for Adonis, so when he asked me how I felt, I lied and assured him I was OK.

We've tried our hardest to dodge family functions, so we wouldn't have to act in front of them. Earlier this week, Mr. Veretti demanded our presence at the Veretti Villa in Sicily. Since it was a fifteen-hour drive, I told Adonis that he would not be driving.

"Do you have everything, baby?" I asked when I walked into Eva's room. She was sitting at the edge of her fairy-themed bed, watching Benji e Holly. Her suitcase was sitting beside her.

"Yes, mommy," she replied, her eyes still glued to the television.

"Are you excited to see Nonno and Nonna E?" I asked as I sat down beside her.

She nodded. "Nonno added new video games to the game room," she said. Even though she was looking at the TV, her eyes gleamed when she said that. I never thought my daughter would be a tomboy, but it was happening. While she still did ballet, she stopped wearing her slippers everywhere. Now, she preferred Oxford loafers, which I thought was the most British thing ever.

Last week, she and I turned her room into a fairy world, and she didn't look back at her ballerina-themed decor. This week, I helped her with a class board she had to present in class. It was a 'Five Things about Me' project, but it took days to complete because of dance class. While she was top of her class, she had a short attention span. I blamed it on her being hyperactive all her life. While Luna put her kids on medicine, I decided to let Eva blow her steam with dancing games and short trips to the park.

"That's cool," I said. "You're looking at a weekend of fun, it appears."

As Esperanza said the first day I met her, those kids never left that room.

"What will you be doing this weekend?" she asked me.

I sighed and folded my hands together. "That is yet to be determined. It was your grandparents who called us to Sicily. But you'll be safe the entire time," I assured her.

"I'm always safe, mamma," she said as she giggled. I smiled and pulled her into a hug.

"If anything happens, you come to me first, do you understand?"

"Yes, mamma," she mumbled.

"Alright, turn your TV off because we have to go," I said as I stood up. I grabbed her light green suitcase and pulled the handle up.

"We're already late," Adonis complained, walking into Eva's room. "Are we ready?"

"Yes, sir," I said, saluting him with my index and middle finger. He grinned and winked at me.

"Yes, sir!" Eva yelled, jumping up from the bed. She grabbed my hand and skipped her way out of the room.

The elevator ride consisted of Eva humming the theme song to Benji e Holly and me being in deep thought.

Once we received the invitation from the Verettis, Gaia became paranoid.

"He knows you're on to him, so he's probably trying to see how you're going to react to him this weekend," she said as she paced the floor of her flat a few nights ago.

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