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capo del crimine- leader of a gang mafia (also known as the Don).

Sunlight poured into my bedroom through the thin, white curtains. The wind blew through the open windows, welcoming me into a brand new day.

I sighed as I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes.

My room was filled with plants. Gaia believed in true nature living. I didn't mind it because being away from Calabria was refreshing. Although it was only an hour away, everything seemed different here.

Putting up with Gaia's personality was the only con. She was no Rose when it came to conversing with me.

We are both strong-headed and because of that, we have problems getting along.

For odd reasons, she made it known that Adonis had been her first love. She was also his first. I've only been here for a few days, and on the first day, I got schooled about their high school affairs.

"Andrai a lavoro oggi?" I heard her voice from the other side of the door.

(Translation: You will go to work today?)

I rolled out of bed and walked to the door. When I opened it, I saw her with a pair of army green shorts and a plain white tank top. She wore pearl-studded sandals with a pair of shades propped up on her forehead. As usual, her light brown hair was in a ponytail.

I wondered if all of Adonis's friends were beautiful and wealthy. Guys like him always associated themselves with women like Gaia.

"Sei carina oggi," I reply with a forced smile.

(Translation: You look beautiful today.)

"Are you going to work today?" she repeated her question.

"I am."

"You are going to have to catch the ferry," she said while handing me a pass.

I took it and flipped it over to see my name on the back. Adonis was the buyer.

She eyed me a moment longer. "You are a mystery," she said as she chewed on her bottom lip.

I rolled my eyes. "Goodbye, Gaia," I said. I was getting ready to close the door when she hit it, which refrained me from shutting it.

"For once, I'm not trying to be rude," she spoke with a hint of annoyance in her tone. "I'm just curious."

I turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"You come here, all bruised, bandaged up, and mute, and neither you nor Adonis gives me an explanation."

It was true that he'd dropped me off after we visited his physician, Dr. Trajoá. For first loves, the two of them were equally awkward with one another. Adonis looked like he'd rather be anywhere but here, and Gaia looked like there were a million things she wanted to say to him.

After he made sure I was okay, he left. Occasionally, he would send me a text, assuring me that he hasn't forgotten about me.

"It's none of your business," I replied.

She stood there with her arms crossed, leaning on one leg. "You are so pretty. You could be doing so much with your life."

As I rolled my eyes, I let out a humorless laugh. "Adonis told you I was a poor girl who worked in a club and needed a place to stay, so now you think you know me," I scoffed.

She frowned. "I see the bruises. He didn't need to tell me anything. I see girls like you every day in my industry. You are not judged by your back story."

I nodded. "Yes, that is what every silver spoon kid says," I responded sarcastically.

She scoffed and shook her head. "Wow, that is cheap, Estella."

"It is the truth," I corrected her. "You said yourself that you see girls like me where you work. You work in the fashion industry which is full of well-off girls. I don't know if it is evident or not, but I am not well-off, Gaia. I don't get the privilege of telling my bad day to my parents, or asking them to borrow their yacht to impress my friends!"

She clenched her jaw and nodded. "Instead, you tiptoe around feeling sorry for yourself and behaving like a puttana to everyone else," she answered matter-of-factly.

"If you were anything like me, you would understand," I replied.

It was the same thing with her. She was someone else who judged my character.

"I don't have to know you to know that you are not fortunate," she said. "But being poor and non avere genitori is no excuse to treat people who are better off like merda," she spat.

Yes, we were two of a kind.

"You don't know me," I said through seething anger.

She stood in silence for a moment before she scoffed and shook her head again. "I'm done. Adonis will pick you up tonight," she muttered before walking out. "Forse la gente sarrebe piu comprensiva se non fossi cosi stronza!" she shouted. 

(Translation: Maybe, people would be more understanding if you weren't such a bitch!)

Seconds later, I heard the front door slam.

I didn't want to tell her that she made a mistake with her pronoun choice. She was so caught up in her anger that she called herself a bitch when she meant to call me one. Either way, the shoe fitted.

Had we been cut from the same cloth, I could see us being friends. But as normal, fate was not on my side.

Huffing, I slammed my door and through the ferry pass on the bed.

Author's Note:

A small peek at Stella's interactions between characters other than Adonis and Rose. It appears she's mouthy with everyone except Gio. As I said, her priorities are fuuccked.

I hope you liked it! Which of them do you agree with? I personally agree with Gaia.

Cast coming soon! I took so long to come up with one because I like to give my readers a chance to explore their imaginations. Be creative! What do you want Adonis and Estella to look like? If you are having trouble picturing them in your mind, that is what my cast is for! Take it or leave it.


(Prewritten December 19, 2021)

The next update is coming soon!


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