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tiramisu- an Italian dessert.

Tomorrow was Eva's birthday. It was also the four-month mark from the day I met Adonis. I'd lost track of time from the moment I got my daughter back.

"You met me April fifteenth," Adonis started the conversation as soon as I opened my eyes.

I groaned as I rolled over to drown out the sound of his voice. He knew one way to aggravate me was talking early in the morning.

I liked to wake up and gather my thoughts. Hearing his voice before I could realize I was alive was not what I wanted.

He seemed to notice my thoughts because he chuckled as he leaned over and draped his arm over my hip.
"Today is August fifteenth."

I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see me. "Quiet, please."

"You do not care?" His voice feigned hurt which cause me to roll over and face him.

"Of course I care."

His pout turned into a boyish grin which caused me to smile.

"What do you want to do today? Mom is collecting Eva at ten, so we will have the entire day and night alone."

"I am actually tired. We spent all of yesterday setting things up." By that, I meant I'd spent the entire day making sure my surprise for Eva was the best. I was sure it would make up for the years I lost.

"You are always tired," he groaned as he gripped my hip to roll me over. I laughed and covered my face.

"Adonis, please." I knew I looked wild, and I was confused on why he didn't run for the hills every morning.

"You look beautiful, darling," he said softly.

When he grabbed my face, I knew I was blushing. He ran a finger down my jaw while his eyes scanned my face. His eyebrows were creased together, so I knew he was in deep thought. The vibe changed when he spoke.

"I remember the times your face was covered with bruises."

I looked away and sat up which put me in a straddle-like position. "I do not wish to remember that."

"Estella, if we do not work out, promise me you will never let anyone hurt you or Eva."

I looked at him to see a sad smile on his face. I hated seeing him in any way other than his normal self.

"Why are you talking about us not lasting? It has only been four months, and you still have failed to confess your undying love for me," I joked in an attempt to lighten the mood. Unfortunately, it didn't work. He appeared to become more serious.

"I am serious. Promise me."

I pouted at his change of mood. "Prometto."

"I cannot bare the thought of letting you go, but if you decide we should part ways-"

"Why are we being serious right now, Adonis?" I rolled off of him and sat up. He sighed and sat up against the headboard.

His attempt to smile was weak which sent my heart pounding out of control. What had he gotten himself into? Was he dying? Was I dying?

"I am not being that serious, Estella. I just-"

"Well, stop calling me by my name." My voice came out rude which slightly startled him. I could feel my throat tightening as I forced the tears to be swallowed down. We couldn't break up because we weren't officially together, but this felt like the beginning of a breakup.

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