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custodia- protective care of something or someone.

"Non ha dato via il bambino volontariamente."

"Ma non lo ha fatto con riluttanza."

"Lui non ha cercato di aiutarla a rimettersi in piedi."

(Translation: She didn't give the baby away voluntarily. But she didn't do it reluctantly. He didn't try to help her to her feet.)

I sighed in annoyance as Adonis and Stefano went back and forth with each other.

When they heard me sigh, they turned to me.

"Ms. Macano-"

"Call me Estella," I corrected Stefano.

He cleared his throat. "Ms. Estella-"

"Just Estella," I interrupted him again.

I saw his jawbone twitch, so I knew he was grinding his teeth.

"Si, just Estella," he said mockingly.

I offered him a false smile and nodded my head in contentment.

"You were told to give the child to her father. Is that correct?" he asked me.

I nodded. "I gave Eva to Daniel because he had more money than me."

"Where is your family?" he asked me.

I looked at Adonis. "Assente," was my short reply. He looked down and I knew he did not want me to see the sympathetic look.

"You were a single mother raising a child in Calabria, ho ragione?" Stefano asked me.

(Translation: Is that correct?)


"When was the last time you spoke to your daughter?"

"The day I gave her to her father and his family."

"You have not tried to reach out?" A look of suspicion crossed his face.

I shook my head. The mother-of-the-year award goes to me.

Adonis whispered something in his brother's ear. The other lawyers in the room looked at me.

"Mio Dio," Stefano mumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose with his index and thumb.

I looked between the two brothers. It seemed as if they were speaking to each other telepathically.

After several moments of their sidebar discussion, they faced me.

"Dacci un moment, per favore," Stefano's voice filled the room.

(Translation: Give me a moment, please.)

"What about the docum-"

"NOW!" his voice boomed. His voice had gotten loud enough to make me flinch in my seat. I almost felt that I should get up and leave as well.

The men scrambled to their feet and filed out of the room.

When they were gone, Stefano turned to me.

"Do you have any proof that you have been abused by him?" he asked me quietly. I looked at Adonis who had the audacity to not meet my eye.

I couldn't believe he told someone else my private business.

"I don't under-"

"Now is not the time to play dumb, Estella." His tone was a warning. I could tell he had the same temper as his brother.

Stella (Book One of Dark Souls Series)Where stories live. Discover now