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mare- a generally smaller ocean

"Estella, I am not playing with you."

My government name? Oh, he was not playing.

"I am not giving it to you, Adonis," I said as I tried to mimic his voice.

"Perché devi comportarti come un bambino?!" he screamed in frustration before walking out of the room. I was trying to keep my laughter in until he was a good distance away.

Today was Sunday. We'd both gotten up early to prepare Eva for her first mass. Isabel and Zia Alcina picked her up at seven and said she would return after supper. Adonis and I had the entire day today alone, and I would not allow him to spend his last off-day doing what he would do at work tomorrow.

To guarantee that he wouldn't work, I hid his laptop in my panty drawer. I knew it would be the last place he would look because he never invaded my personal space.

When I heard him scream in frustration again, I sat in bed and waited for his return. "I am still convinced you lost it," I shouted, still going along with the lie of him simply misplacing the device.

"What idiot would lose a one-thousand-dollar laptop?" he shouted back.

"You," I mumbled, knowing he wouldn't hear me.

He'd been attractively parading the house in nothing but grey trousers for the past hour looking for a device he knew I hid.

"Why don't you give it up?" I yelled back. "You are never going to find it!"

"So, you admit you took it?"

I looked up to see him standing at the doorway of our room. His hair was all over his head from the number of times he pulled it while screaming in vexation.

"I know not of the things you speak," I whispered wickedly.

His steps towards me were slow, and his eyes were intimidating as he seemed to analyze me.

"Don't look at me like that," I mumbled sheepishly. My mood had changed so quickly.

His sadistic grin let me know that he understood his effect on me.

"Stella," he said slowly.

"You are a fucking narcissist," I complained and looked away from him.

"Yes, I get off on the fact that I make you blush just by saying your name." It was hard to determine whether he was being real or sarcastic. His blank face made him unreadable.
"That is a joke," he added.

He stopped mid-step and looked like he was in deep thought. "Partially."

I rolled my eyes at him as he grabbed my wrists.

He kneeled on one knee in front of me, causing my breath to hitch in my throat. Ever since I heard his family asking whether he'd propose or not, I was paranoid. "Adonis! Are you proposing to me?" I asked dramatically.

He smirked. "Would that be so bad?"

My eyes widened. "I-"

"Do not answer that."

I laughed softly. Really, I didn't think it would be so bad. "I think you are going crazy."

He took my hands in his and raised them to his lips. "Yeah?"

"To think I would take something so important to you and hide it-"

"So you did take it."

I sucked in a breath through my teeth. "Did I say that?"

Stella (Book One of Dark Souls Series)Where stories live. Discover now