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morte- the end of a mortal life.

Today, Adonis said had a surprise for me. We woke up this morning, jogged across the beach, and watched dawn grace the small, peaceful countryside.

Afterwards, we went home and showered which was ignorant because of what we were doing now.

I whimpered at the burning pain searing my body.

"Hold it," Adonis warned me while towering over me.

"I can't! I'm done!" I cried as my arms wobbled. Grunting, I pushed the weight up with the last bit of strength I had and set it back on the bar.

My leg and arm muscles cried in relief since they were no longer pressured with thirty pounds more than what they were used to.

"No, you're not," I heard Adonis mumble as I sat up and slid off of the weight bench.

"Adonis!" I squealed when I felt myself being lifted.

The man picked me up by scrunching the middle of my sports bra in his hand. He grunted when he raised me and put me back on the bench.
"You have another set," he said as if he hadn't just manhandled the life out of me.

I looked at him with wide eyes. "Are you fucking insane?!" I nearly shouted. Luckily, we were alone.

"I may be. Finish this last set of five."

"I'm tired. Can you help me?" I asked, innocently batting my eyelashes. Either he was going to help me, or I was going to extend this conversation while I finished resting on this bench.

"Sure, but you are on your own leg-wise."

I nodded and sighed, pushing my feet against the metal plates. I used all of my leg strength to push the heavy plates away, only for them to slide back to their regular place.

My calfs and thigh muscles ached, causing my legs to shake when I pushed the plates away again. I listened to the spring pop once the plates snapped back to normal.

"Three more, mio amore."

I dropped my legs, letting them hang on the sides of the bench as I put my sweaty arms over my face. "I am beat. I'm through. Everything hurts, so I cannot finish this."

"I tired the baby out?" Adonis asked in a voice meant for a child. There was a cute little pout of feigned hurt and innocence on his face.
I rolled my eyes at his playfulness and continued to lay there.

"I can't move a muscle, Adonis," I said with a pout of my own. I knew we would leave the gym if I did that.

"Since you did two leg thrusts, do three sit ups and five lifts," he responded. He swung his legs over the bench so that he would be standing over me since I was still laying on it.

His body glistened with sweat from the brutal workout he put himself through ten minutes before. I hated his guts when effortlessly picked up the forty pound weight bar, and held it over me.

"Come on, baby," he cooed teasingly. He bumped my knee with his and showed me a dashing smile that made my heart burst.

I grumbled my words of hate and grabbed the weight. Since he was still holding the weight, I relaxed a bit more and gripped the metal bar, lowering it to my chest.

Stella (Book One of Dark Souls Series)Where stories live. Discover now