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bacio- touch with the lips out of affection and sexual desire.

"Thank you for allowing me to come with you."

"No problem. It is nice getting to know you."

Catalina smiled and sighed happily as we walked the streets of Sicily.

"I've always wanted a sister, and you don't disappoint even though you don't talk much," she carried on.

I offered her a small smile but kept my eyes on Eva who was walking a few feet ahead of us with Adonis. I had no idea what they were talking about but it was more interesting than Cat and I's conversation.

"I prefer to listen and observe," I responded, trying not to sound rude or distant.

What I really wanted was to be alone. My sister was overexcited about everything and it was overbearing. There was never a moment when she was quiet, and I was not an extremely talkative person. Because she was new to me and this place, I had given her the benefit of the doubt, but now I'm starting to think this is her.

We were opposites in every way, and the only thing we had in common was our love for Eva. Not to sound egotistical, but there was never a person who didn't grow fond of my daughter.

"I understand. That's how daddy is."

I offered another small smile and prayed that Adonis would stop being so respective to me and drag me away.

Suddenly, she reached for him and he picked her up, groaning dramatically as she climbed his back.

"You are so lucky," my sister said. I looked at her to see a dreamy smile on her face. She meant no harm, she was just an American blonde without the blonde hair.

"Why do you say that?"

"You have a perfect life," she answered, her eyes filled with glee.

Maybe she wasn't a stereotypical blonde, but more of what I could've been if all of the misfortune in my life hadn't occurred.

I found myself being envious of her. She called me lucky as if she hadn't grown up living the life I dreamt of every night to go to bed.

"We're far from perfect-"

"Please spare me the humble speech, hermana," she interrupted me with a laugh. "You have the perfect daughter and fiancé. I wish I could believe padre loved me as normal fathers should. He's so distant and he's always traveling-"

"Eva is not his, Catalina," I said softly.

Whatever image she'd created of my life in her head was sunshine and butterflies. The look on her face proved just as much as she glanced between Eva and Adonis. He was pointing to different things, resulting in her shrieking in delight and asking questions. From outsiders, they did appear like the perfect father-daughter duo.

"Her father is on the police force in North America and we haven't had time to discuss custody, so she's here until we do."

"Isn't that bad since the Verettis are the known mafia?"

Stella (Book One of Dark Souls Series)Where stories live. Discover now