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erba- plant

The million-dollar question is what made me spit out the water I'd just sipped.

"When are you and Adonis going to have a baby?"

I looked at the three women in front of me with an insane expression.

Luna and Esperanza's faces held genuine curiosity. Gaia looked amused.

"Not for a long time. That is if we even last."

Esperanza's face fell, and her lips formed into a frown. "Is there trouble in paradise?"

I shook my head, suddenly feeling uneasy about my answer.

"They have not slept together," Gaia spoke for me.

I looked down to avoid the faces of the women in front of me. "It has only been a few months, I-"

"It is almost tre mesi!" Luna exclaimed.

"Everything does not revolve around sex," I mumbled as I felt my cheeks heat. Adonis never cleared it with the family that he was not sleeping with me. I did not remember that until now.

"This is Italy! There is nothing more important than pasta and hot sex!" Gaia nearly shouted. Her loud voice caught the attention of other people.

I wanted the earth to swallow me whole.

We were eating outside at this classy restaurant Esperanza picked for dinner. She wanted to have a girl's day while we planned what to do for Mario and Eva's birthday. It was a coincidence that his birthday was two days after hers. When she found out, she wanted to do an arcade-themed party with him. Of course, Mario was onboard with the idea. His only request was to have water-themed additions. We were letting the men handle the arcade part.

In fear of my plan for Eva's birthday reaching Adonis's ears, I dodged any question that revolved around what I was doing for her. I knew Luna and him were inseparable, and I also knew she would go back and report. I thought their relationship was adorable yet predictable. She nearly jumped out of her clothes at the idea of having dinner with me tonight. Adonis was smart. Once I put two and two together, it equaled mischief. I figured I would fix him when he got home. Right now, I would try to make my way through this dinner.

"Why have you not fucked him?"

"Aiutami!" I begged Luna's mother.

She grinned and shrugged her shoulders innocently. "I am curious as well."

I sighed and sunk in my seat. "We have not had time for it." That was partially true. I also did not know what I wanted. I've never slept with someone by my own will. I found Adonis incredibly attractive, but I struggled to find meaning behind the heat I felt whenever he did certain things. It was a strange feeling to me because I've never felt it before him. I was sure Adonis noticed, but we never spoke about having sex with each other. Apart from his intense staring and dirty jokes, he never made me feel like he wanted to have sex with me. I frowned at the thought of that.

"How do you live in the house with a person like him and not sleep with him?"

I looked at Luna and frowned. "A person like him?"

"Si, everyone is aware of my brother's disturbingly high sex drive. At one point in time, he'd go through several women in one-"

I felt the table shake and saw Gaia shooting daggers at the mafia queen. Luna's eyes widened as she sat back in her seat. Esperanza and Gaia looked away from me.

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