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Autostima- one's subjective evaluation of their worth.

"Dove eri?"

(Translation: Where were you?)

I gasped and spun around to see Gio standing at the doorway of the hall, his hands balled into fists.

For the sake of me, I was hoping Adonis was gone. Last night was a fairytale, but I was praying to Mother Mary that he'd sped off to his Milianian palace.

"I walked around the neighborhood," I lied.

He came in my direction and wrapped a hand around my neck. "You wreak of fast food and Creed. Do not lie to me."

I looked him in the eyes and spoke. "Ho girato per il quartiere," I managed to repeat in a strangled tone.

(Translation: I walked around the neighborhood.)

Black spots filled my vision, and my ears started to buzz. I tried not to panic from the lack of oxygen I was getting. This had happened far too many times, and I still hadn't gotten used to it.

He looked over my face before pulling me forward by the jaw and slamming my head against the door.

I hissed in pain as I fell to the floor. "Fuck," I whimpered, holding my head in my hands.

"You have a shift in an hour. Ripulisci te stesso," Gio mumbled before walking into the back.

(Translation: Clean up yourself.)

Keeping my eyes on the ground, I did not move until his footsteps faded. All happiness had faded. Everything I felt when I was with Adonis was nothing short of a memory now. I did not know when I would see him again, but no matter how much I liked his company, I knew the truth. No one wanted a girl bruised in red, purple, and black.

Once I made it to the bathroom, I locked the door and looked at myself in the mirror.

Fresh, pink handprints were forming around my neck. I opened the cabinet to see I had very little concealer left. I would have to ask Rosa or Laura for theirs when I made it to work.

After studying my reflection for a few more seconds, I turned on the hot water and took a quick shower. I wished the bruises would wash away instead of the smell of Adonis's lingering cologne.

Once I got out of my head, I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around my body.

"Ella," I heard Gio's slurred voice from the other side of the door as I stepped out of the tub.

I stilled in my spot and when I didn't open the door, I heard him struggling to twist the knob.

"Scoccio ubriaco," I mumbled.

(Translation: Drunken shit.)

"Ella, I'm sorry, ti voglio bene."

(Translation: I love you.)

I opened the door and since he was leaning against it, he stumbled onto me. "Move, Giovanni," I said as I tried to push him to get past him.

He threw an arm in front of me, trapping me in the bathroom. "Ellaaa," he sang in his drunken tone. He clicked his tongue before palming one of my breasts in his hands.

I felt my intestines twist as he gave my boob a harsh squeeze. Fighting wasn't an option because he made it feel like rape when I fought against him. Everything that was supposed to be sexy about intimacy made my stomach do somersaults.

"Yes, Gio?" My voice came out shaky and pathetic.

"My beautiful Ella." He traced the fresh bruises around my neck with his fingers. His blue eyes stared straight into mine, and I noticed the familiar flicker of anger. "You filthy liar," he spat, grabbing my face in his hand. With his other hand, he grabbed my hair and tugged it backward so that I was forced to look at him. "What is this?"

He shoved my phone in my face.

Adonis: Outside

sent at 11:36 PM, seen at 6:49 AM

That must have been the message he sent me last night at the same time I was walking out of the house. I'd made the mistake of leaving my phone on the dresser, so I didn't get a chance to check it this morning. If I'd brought it with me, it would've been in the bathroom. If it was there, I would have beat Giovanni in seeing the next text message.

Adonis: Have a day as beautiful as you.

sent two minutes ago, seen at 6:59 AM

Even though the timing was terrible, I couldn't ignore the way my heart fluttered at his sweet message.

My emotions were showing on my face, so Gio snatched the phone away from my face and threw it on the floor.

"I am not going to lie to you," I spoke in a shaky voice.

"A little late for lies," he snarled angrily. He pushed me, causing me to stumble and hit my head against the sink before making contact with the floor.

I groaned in pain as a sharp stabbing feeling shot through my skull.

"Raccogli li tua merda e vattene!" he shouted.

(Translation: Pick up your shit and get out!)

I struggled to stand up, but since my vision was blurry, I fell to my knees.

Silently begging him to help me stand up, I stretched my arm out. "Per favore, Gio," I cried.

He grunted and slapped my hand away from him.

"I have nowhere else to go," I said in a faulty voice.

"Not my problem," he grumbled before walking out.

"Please," I whispered as I touched the painful part of my head. My vision was starting to fade in and out as blood trickled down my temple. "Fuck!"

I heard Gio's footsteps and multiple slurred words I couldn't make out because I was too busy trying to concentrate on my blood loss.

"You are just a disgusting slut from the slums of-"

He was cut off by my painful scream as his steel toe boot made contact with my ribs.

I doubled over, clutching myself. My hair was wet from blood and water and was sticking to my face as I tried to look up at him. "Please, Gio," I begged, blinking rapidly to ignore the colorful dots that were blinding me from seeing anything else. Soon, I was coughing up blood.

"Get out," was the last thing I heard before I felt another kick to my back, and blackness consumed me.

Author's Note:

If you ask me, she should have left a long time ago. You're mean to Rosa, but not Gio? Her priorities are fucked.


(This was prewritten on December 20, 2021)

The next update is coming soon!


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