Chapter six part two

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Hey everyone!!

New chapter!!

Sorry. Hasn't been edited....

Anyways.. Enjoy


Chapter six: "does anyone pay attention to the breath intakes in a song?"

The night before the auditions, Maxine couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned, tossed and turned, unable to get comfortable. She was exsausted from the Christmas ball the night before and yet sleep would not come. For hours she lay and stared at the ceiling. She tried counting sheep, she tried counting down from one hundred, but nothing was helping.

The day of the auditions, she felt like a walking zombi as she stumbled out of her room and into to Dylan's room. He was standing by the window, his hands deep in the pockets if his jacket, leaning back on his heels. He turned around when he heard the door open and he sent her a smile as she came towards him and lent agains his side, letting her head drop down to rest against her chest.

"Sleep well Max?" He asked, rubbing her back softly.

"Not at all." Maxine grumbled, stepping away from his and throwing herself down on his bed. "I'm so nervous! What if I screw it up some how? What if I miss my quote? What if I fall over on my way to the stage. Oh god! What if I forget the lyrics? Then I'll just be standing there like an idiot with my mouth open in front of hundreds of thousands of people?" She ran her hands through her hair hard, almost ripping great chucks of it out in the process. Dylan sat down beside her and caught at her hands, pressing them into her lap.

"Maxine, you need to stop. You're being ridiculous! You're not going to make a mistake okay?" He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against him for a hug. "You know what Mum told me the first time I went for an audition?" Maxine took a deep breath and looked up at him.


"She told me to forget about everyone there. Forget that they are judging you, pretend that you're performing in front of your closest friends and family. I found it ment that I could be myself on stage if I pretended that I knew the people really well. I still use it today when I go for an audition. And it works. Okay. It really does work." He let go of Maxine and took hold of her shoulders, holding her in a firm grip. "Give it a try okay? If it doesn't work, then you can always try again next year okay?" His grip on her shoulders was from and Maxine found herself nodding, the fear slipping away from her slowly, but by bit.

"Okay." Dylan smiled at her and ruffled her hair. Maxine ducked away from him annoyed. He knew she hated it when he did that. Dylan smiled at her and hopped off the bed, offering her his hand.

Now, sitting in the back of the black car, Maxine was starting to regret the very idea of ever diside to audition. Her fingers were slippery with sweat and her palms were sore form where she'd dug her nails into the soft skin.

"Okay. Let's go and see about some breakfast then shall we?"

Now, sitting in the back of the black care, Maxine was starting to regret her choice of ever disiding to audition. Her fingers were slippery with sweat and the palms of her hands hurt from where she'd dug her finger nails into the soft skin. The intire ride to the Perth Music Hall, she'd been going over and over the lyrics to the song she was going to sing in her head. She'd been practising it so much, the hotel had had a complant from someone staying in the room next to her and they had asked her to stop. Maxine had taken to listing to the song over and over on her iPod till Dylan took it off her, forcing her to take a brake. Now as the car rolled to a hault and she stepped out of the car, she knew the song back to front and inside out.

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