Chapter Thirteen: If you value your face, don't wake me up early again!

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Shooting for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land amongst the stars
- Unknown

Maxine and Jesse up the top!

Chapter Thirteen: If you value your face, do not wake me up Easley again.

Maxine had the covers pulled over her head. She'd always slept like that. It was her way of blocking out even the finest piece of sunlight. When she was asleep, sunlight was her worst enemy.

She heard the door open, but ignored it, basking in the delightful warmth that was her bed. She heard footsteps coming over to her and then her covers were wripped off her and she shreaked, shooting up right in bed. Holly stood over her, dressed in a pretty white dress and grinning like crazy.
"Get up." She said, putting her hand on her hip.
"Why?" Maxine whined, rolling over.
"Because everyone's waiting for you." Holly said. "We all want to go out and have breakfast on the roof." Maxine sighed. She sat up slowly and blinked at Holly. "Great! You're up." Holly said. "I'll see you on the balcony in ten minutes yeah?" Maxine shrugged and got out of bed.
"I suppose."
When Holly left Maixne wondered over to her suitcase and grabbed a pair of denim shorts and a white crop top, pulling her hair into a braid. Then she opened her computer and logged into Blue Evelope. There was a message from Being_Me.

Being_Me: Hey Maxine! I saw you perform last night! My god girl! You can sing! And you looked beautiful in that dress! I'm so jealous right now! Maxine laughed. She hit the replie button, knowing she only had a few minutes.
WaterWayBlu: Thanks so much Bea! I'm so glad I got through! In the couple of seconds it took for her to grab her converse and slip them on, Being_Me had replied.
Being_Me: of course you got through! You have some talent! Though I'm sure my vote helped though.
WaterWayBlu: thank you!!! Every little bit counts!
"Maxine!" Holly yells from the door. "It's been ten minutes! I'm waiting!"
"Calm down woman! You said you'd meet me there!" Maxine yelled back.
"For all I know you could still be in bed!" Holly responded. "Get your lazy butt out here! Now!"
"Okay okay okay!" Maxine yelled. "I'm coming!" She typed a quick goodbye to Bea and stood up.
"Do you girls not know how to sleep?" Grumbled Dally from the other side of the room where she was still in bed.
"Tell me about it." Maxine grumbled. Dally rolled over and burrowed further into the bed.
"Now get out of here. I want to sleep." Maxine sighed. She opened the door and stepped out into the corridor. Holly was leaning against the wall, her arms crossed over her chest.
"Finally!" She said, coming towards Maxine. "Took you long enough!"
"Patience grasshopper." Maxine said, laughing. "I was coming! But...." Holly looked over at her.
"There's always a but isn't there." Maixne grinned.
"But, if you value your face, do not, under any cerciumstances wake me up before seven again!"
"I had to!" Holly said as they climbed up to the top of the building and pushed open the door to the roof. "If I didn't, we would have missed the sun rise!"

As she spoke, she dragged Maxine out onto the roof. Maxine looked out in front of her and gasped. The sky was a blaze with colour. It looked like it was on fire. Soft pinks and blues gave way to a fiery organge and a bright red. It was the most magical thing she'd ever seen.
"Sleeping beauty arrives!" Called a voice and Maxine turned her head to find the boys a few feet away from them, sitting around a picnic basket. Holly pulled her to a stop and Oliver wrapped her up in a hug.
"Good morning." He said, smiling down at her. "How did you sleep?" Maxine shrugged and rested her head against his shoulder.
"Like a baby. But I wish I still was." Jesse laughed and handed her a cup of coffee.
"Here." He said, smiling at her. "Welcome to the land of the living." Maxine took it great fully and took a sip. Instantly she felt more awake and she leaned back in her hands, studying the sky.
"Pretty isn't it." James said beside her.
"Beautiful." Maxine responded.
"Pancake anyone?" Holly asked, opening the picnic basket. A chorus of yes' filled the roof as Holly began to take everything out of the basket. There was a huge mountain of pancakes, cream, jam, lemon, sugar, yogurt, honey, maple syrup, banana, strawberries, you name it. It was all there and it looked absolutely spectacular.
"Where did you get all this?" Maxine asked, taking the plate Holly handed her and reaching for the banana and cream.
"Amber." Holly answered, tossing Jesse the maple syrup. "She's got a soft spot for James." James blushed and looked down at his plate.
"Really?" Noah asked, digging his elbow into James' ribs. James pushed him away, almost tipping his pancake all over Jesse who was sitting beside him.
"Watch it!" Jesse said, cradling his pancake close to his chest and scooting closer to Maxine.
"Yep." Holly answered. "He only had to ask her and she sent him into the kitchen with a note for the chief telling Jim to give us a good breakfast."
"Sweet!" Oliver said, "you should use that ability more often!"
"We have to be back in the hall by nine. " Holly said, leaning back against her brother's legs. "They've got an announcement for us!"

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