Chapter Three"Ewww!! Guys!! That's my brother!!"

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By the time they had walked round the the shopping center four times, they had all had enough. Maxine had never seen so many shopping bags in her intire life. Racheal and Jena both had a trolley each full of shopping bags and Maxine was carrying five more.

"Would someone care to remind me why I came on this shopping trip?" Maxine growned, leaning her head down on the table of the café they were sitting in.

"Because Rach rang you up at the rediculous hours of the morning and convinced you." Jena replied as she flipped open the cafés menu and began scanning the options. Racheal looked down at her hands, folded on the table. Maxine waked Jena on the back of the the head and then picked up her menu, just as the the waiter came strolling towards them. He had honey coloured blond hair and dark brown eyes and he gave the three of them a wide grin as he came up to them.

"Hey, what would you like to order?" Racheal was still scanning the menu when Maxine and Jena placed their orders. She didn't appear to notice the boy staring down at her, his pen raised over his note pad expectantly. Jena rolled her eyes.

"She'll have a iced chocolate with extra cream and ice cream thanks." She said. The boy nodded.

"Be ready in ten." He answered.

"Thanks." Maxine said. As soon as the boy had disappeared round the side of the counter, Racheal dropped the menu on the table and propped her chin in her hands. Jena rolled her eyes and dug around in her purse until she pulled out her phone which she held up in front of Rachael's face. Maxine screwed up her nose at the idea of a photo, but Rachael flung her arm around her neck, pulling her in close. Maxine rolled her eyes and pulled a silly face just as the flash went off. Then they both blinked, trying to clear the fireworks going off in front of their eyes. Jena giggled and took a selfie as the waiter came back towards them, carrying a tray of drinks.

"You guys don't want to do anything after this do you?" Maxine asked, as he set them down in front of them and took their menus before heading back to the counter. Jena looked over at Rachael who shrugged slyly.

"Well.." Jena said, twirling her straw through her iced coffee, "we were thinking about going to the hair dresses and getting our hair done..... And! They have a sail on at Forever 21!" Maxine groaned and stared at her two friends who were watching her over the table top.

"Seriously, I love you guys, but you can go by yourselves. I've had enough shopping for one day." Jena shrugged.

"Are you sure you don't want to come Max?" Rachael asked, cocking her head to one side. Maxine raised an eyebrow at her and Rachael rolled her eyes at Jena.

"I forgot she was such a kill joy when it comes to shopping."

"I know right!" Jena answered.

"Guys, you know why." Maxine sighed. Why did they have to have this conversation every time? "I've never had to, so I never developed a like for it. I just don't see anything enjoyable in walking round and round a shopping centre, trying clothes on, taking them off spending money and then repeating the process!" Jena raised her eyebrows and Rachael shook her head.

"Are you sure you're a girl?" Rachael asked. Maxine rolled her eyes and shoved her friends shoulder. That resulted in Rachael crashing into Jena and both of them ending up on the floor. Maxine giggled and then scooted to the other end of the table as Jena tried to grab for her foot.

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