Chapter Twenty two: What? You look better in my jacket then I ever did

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"When I look into his eyes, I don't see perfection. I don't see a love story that would necessarily be something people would watch on a big screen and dream about
- I see someone who would fight for me. . . Protect me. . . And love me, in spite of all the ways I am still a wreck. I see home. Wherever he is, that's my home.
- Melanie Shankel, Pinterest.

Hiya guys!
So I have to clear something up. You need to read the authors note at the ends of the chapters. In the last chapter was a test to see how many people thought the book was over. If they thought it was over, then they clearly didn't read the authors note. Read the authors note people!

Chapter Twenty Two: What? You look better in my jacket then I ever did.

The limo that arrived to take Maxine to the airport arrived early the next morning. She was up out of bed at 4:30 am to get ready for the limo which would be arriving at 5:00. Her suitcase was already packed and waiting by the door, but she took her time in the shower, letting the hot water beat the nots out of her shoulders and neck. Maxine let out a sigh, rubbing her hands over her face. She wasn't ready to go home.
When she came out of the bathroom dressed in skinny jeans, ankle boots, a red singlet with a white coat thrown over the top, Jesse was sitting on the bed waiting for me. A breakfast was set out on a table a few feet away from him and at the sight of the food, Maxines stomach rumbled. Jesse looked up and smiled when he saw her.

"You look beautiful." He said, reaching out and putting his hands into her waist. He tugged her down in between his legs, planting a sweet kiss on the end of her nose.
"Jess." Maxine murmured. "I have to eat." Jesse nodded. He pulled the room service towards them where they sat on the bed and together they dug in, though Maxine was really feeling too sick to eat.
It was quarter to five when they went down stairs to meet the limo. Oliver, Noah, Holly and James were waiting for them in the common room, sitting together on the the couches, watching the TV. Holly stood up and helped her arms open for Maxine who walked into them, wrapping her arms tightly around her friend.
"Keep in touch." Holly murmured in her ear. Maxine nodded, but the words were stuck in her throat and she couldn't get words out. Holly simply rubbed her back and passed her on. Maxine didn't even know who she was hugging until her head came to rest on someone's chest. Someone tall. Oliver.

"You didn't have to do that for us Maxine." He murmured into her hair. Maxine smiled and squeezed him tightly.

"Yes I did." She said, pulling back. "I did." Noah didn't say anything when he pulled her in for a hug. He just hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead before moving her on to James. He ruffled her hair before pulling her in for a hug.

"You have fun on your flight." He said, pulling back and holding her by the shoulders. "Okay?" Maxine smiled and nodded, though her was close to tears.


"Maxine." Jesse said. He was standing by the door, waiting for her. "The limos here." With a sigh, Maxine hugged her friends one last time before making her way over to the door. Jesse reached out and took her hand, intwining their fingers.

"You're okay." He said, smiling at her. Maxine nodded, though she couldn't bring herself to speak. She looked over her shoulder at her friends one last time before following Jesse out to the front of the contestant house.

The shofe took her bags and put them in the boot of the car before opening the door for her. Maxine took one last look at the building before ducking her head and climbing into the limo. Jesse went to follow her, but the shofe put out his arm and stopped him.
"That's far enough son." He said. Jesse just looked at him.

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