Chapter Twenty Four: But. . . You said good news. Not a mirical

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"Life starts at the end of your comfort vone".


Chapter Twenty Five: But. . . You said good news. Not a miracle

Barely a week had past and Maxine was again packing her bags to head back to the X-Factor. She hadn't been allowed to tell anyone she was returning, so her conversations with Jesse and the others had become a strain as she was dying to blurt it all out and scream it from the roof tops.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Melissa asked, standing in the doorway to Maxines room. "You don't have to go, you could stay here." Maxine zipped up her bag and walked over to her mother with a sigh. She walked over to her and took both of her hands.

"I want to go Mum. I feel more at home there then I ever have here." Melissa smiled a sad smile and reached out to cup Maxine's cheek.  She watched her closely for a couple of seconds.

"You miss your boy." Melissa said, but it was more of a statement then a question. Maxine felt the smile spread across her face, though she felt embrasses. Yes she missed Jesse. She defiantly missed him, but she couldn't wait to surprise him. Both Amber and Dylan were meeting her at the airport and she'd been working with Dani over phone, email and Skype for the past two weeks, learning how it would all work out when she got there, learning her song for the entrance, who would pick her up, how they'd get her in undetected. They had to get her across the country without the country knowing. This was where her father having a private jet came in handy. They could get her across quite easily.

It had taken a while to convince her father to let her go again. In the end, Melissa had come into Maxine's room late into the night. For the last hour, Maxine had sat on her bed cross legged, just listening to them fight. Their screams echoed up stairs and down empty hallways to her room so she could hear every word. After it finished, Melissa came up and told Maxine it was her choice if she wanted to go or not. Of course, she choice to go. Her bags were packed in half an hour, ready for her flight the next morning.

Now, sitting in the back of the car on the way to the airport, Maxine finally allowed herself to breath. She let her mind relax and stared out of the window, feeling the adrenalin slowly fill through her system. With a sigh, she leaned he head back against the seat, watching the trees flash past the window, too fast for the to catch.

"Ready to go back miss?" Kate asked, glancing at Maxine in the revision mirror. Maxine nodded, the firm spreading over her face. Kate nodded understandably. "Well we're nearly there. Just sit tight for a little longer.

When they arrived at the airport, Kate drove round the back, in through the security gate and up to the jet that was packed out the back where no one could see it. She got out and held the door open for Maxine, passing her a cap and a pair of sunglasses to put over her eyes. Maxine hurried up the stairs to the plane, smiling at the air hostess who met her at the door.

Maxine was jigging with exsitment when they touched down in Perth. Chloe the air hostess had to keep reminding her to sit down.
When they got her out of the plane and onto the runway, a black limo was waiting for her, out of which Dylan and Amber stepped, huge grins on their faces. Maxine squealed and jumped into her brother's arm who spun her round and round in a circle when he caught her.

"Hey baby sis." He said laughing.

"I missed you." Maxine said, smiling up at him.

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